Friday, April 24, 2009

Season of Sickness

One day, there were 2 sick daughters at home.

After a trip to the polyclinic, we were told to take the Little One to KKH cos little ones under 3 months are not supposed to get fever and if they do, the fever should be managed by KKH.

So, there we were, Farah and I, enjoying our 2-day-1-night stay at KK Hotel. Honestly, it was a blissful stay because Farah is easy to take care of and it helped that her fever was gone by the time we got to KK (but she got admitted anyway because the letter from the polyclinic stated that her fever was 38.5 degrees).

So, that's it, Farah. You've got yourself a vacation at the hospital and there will be no more of these, okay?

Epilogue: Both Farah and Huda are no longer having fever. But the dreadful cough is still there. Sigh. If I ever have a #3, I'll put him/her in a bubble for the first three months away from the germ-friendly sisters.



Ai Li Tay said...

Nad - your pictures you....hilarious!

nad makhuda said...

glad you found them entertaining! :P
gotta thank the people who thought of putting cameras in phones. i figured that without a camera-phone, 80% of farahuda's lives wont be documented in photographs.

syarni 97 said...

kecian bobo pon demam..

irris irris said...

Aww, poor farah! And doll pon pakai fever patch, haha! Hope both sisters are up & about now.

Kai Ling Lim said...

did you put the fever patch on the doll to make the photos funnier? or was it there by chance?
the hospital gown looked too oversized for Farah. Tell that to KK's publicity dept and say they won;t look good on the media -- your media.... photo, blog...

glad that the girls are fine...

Ana mn said...

oh no, 38.5 is high! Glad the girls are better now! btw, farah is super chubby!!!!!!

tea tea said...

must the pics are funny! altho' it's not a funny topic and it IS the season of flu...the latest scary one just sprang up too.. :S

38.5 is high...glad they are better now... must have been sooooo worrying for u..double the worries since both gals fell sick at the same time...

hazim almost always get high fever after every injection...38.5 is like his lowest. i sponge hazim with air asam each time he gets high helps.. :)

nad makhuda said...

murni, nani & kailing - that doll ~ huda calls it BabyBobo ~ had to be used to encourage huda to leave the fever patch on her head. but i didnt waste a fever patch on the doll lah. it was just a piece of wet wipe. huda was willing to put on the fever patch at first because farah had it on her. otherwise, she would just rip the patch off her forehead.

and, of course, i'm terrribly proud that BabyBobo has a comedic effect there. heh heh.

kailing - errr.. my blog has a readership of about...10? big publicity this blog provides. :P but, i gotta say that i like that kk was extra cautious. at least it ruled out a lot of other possibilities. the common question the doctors asked was whether i had fever when i was giving birth. they did a few tests also to find out what virus it was.

rohana & tea - yep. 38.5 is quite dangerous for a baby. but, 38.5 was based on the ear thermometer. at kk, they used underarm thermometer. so, i was very free and asked the doctors why they didnt use the ear thermometer. apparently, for kids under 1, the ear thermometer is not very reliable as these people have smaller ear canals. and the difference in reading is normally about 0.5 degrees and can be as high as 1 degree!

what i'm more concerned about was the coughing. farah's coughs were terrible.she sounded like one of those old men who've been smoking all their lives. and unfortunately, no medication can be given to her cos she's much too young. so, i just have to wait it out lor.

in any case, all of you might want to know that the stuffy nose and coughing will get really bad between the 5th and 7th day of the attack. after that, things will get better. so, things are getting better now. whew!

tea - air asam worked, eh? after 2 kids, only now i know.. will do that next time either of them gets fever. but, hmmmm... i just realised i dont know if i have asam in the house. (havent cooked sambal tumis for months because i hate how it never turns out decent) and hazim's fever sounds brutal seh! 38.5 is the lowest? aiyooohhhh... u know those water mats? i swear by those things also. but get the good ones that they sell at polyclinics/kk. those cheap ones that i bought simply became as warm as the sick kids.

tea tea said...

brutal? sounds so apt! yes! it's super scary and i am really thinking of getting the wet mat...i rem u mentioning abt it b4...but the thing is, even wen his temp is tt high, he'll be his usual self still; he'll still be active, mcm tak sakit. we always counter chk his temperature by taking his temp orally and under his armpit too to confirm the readings with the ear thermometer and they are similar..tapi budak ni mcm tak sakit pulak... :S

nur azean said...

i agree with the asam, my number 2 fever was 39.8 last sat, doses of brufen does not help. lemurkan air asam n voila the fever went down :0)

nad makhuda said...

tea & azean - must ask you 2 about the asam thing. does it work on adults? sebab hari ni aku demam and i decided that i had to bathe with air asam to bring down my temp after medication didnt help. so i did that. i put one handful of asam in one small pail of water and siram myself with the air asam. my toilet was a mess but my temperature didnt go down immediately after that. i guess it works on little people only?

tea - yes yes yes! get the water mat! you can sleep peacefully while the mat does its magic. memang ada budak2 demam macam orang tak sakit pun. very perplexing, hor? kita2 yang baru je nak demam dah terkulai layu (cikgu2, please check my malay. correct or not i use the phrase?).

nur azean said...

alamak nad kalau siram gitu mcm tk efektif yang paling baik lemurkan atas kepala( do u know the meaning?) hehe malay allrite, maybe u can consider changing specialisation

nad makhuda said...

azean - cannot change specialisation yet la.. only now i know the meaning of 'lemurkan' - it means the air asam mesti letak lama2 kat kepala sampai kulit meresap air asam tu? baru aku tahu...

nur azean said...

so clever :) then kau makan brufen terus tido je huda can look after farah

tea tea said...

alamak... just saw ur qn...yup betul, kalau siram gitu doesn't work cos' tak meresap...