Saturday, April 04, 2009

Breastfeeding Revisited


This is a completely irrelevant picture of a little baldy.


Once when I was pregnant, I entered a mosque and saw a woman breastfeeding. At that point, the image stirred up a lot of emotions and I couldn't wait for Farah to be out so that we can start the breastfeeding journey all over again.

But, somehow, the first few weeks didn't turn out the way I imagined it to be. Farah was not drinking that much and I was engorged all the time. I pumped out the excess milk twice a day but that created a false demand for milk and so I was even more engorged and in pain.

Then the medela pump which I just bought became lousier and lousier. That was the third mini electric pump I had bought in my short breastfeeding career. The first two were during Huda's time. And after the second one, I swore I'll never buy medela again. My sister and I bought an ameda double pump but she unexpectedly got pregnant ahead of schedule and was still using the pump. I then planned to buy the avent manual pump after I heard lots of good stuff about it.

But, for whatever strange reasons, on the day I was discharged from the hospital, I went and got a medela mini electric instead. This pump disappointed me from the third week onwards. It simply could not draw out all that much milk anymore. I knew the breasts were not emptied and lumps of various sizes started appearing especially on the right side. Three quarters of the right breast was lumpy and each time I pumped from that side, I managed only a measly 10-20ml, as opposed to the 50-90ml I got from the other side (which also had lumps but not as bad as the right side).

I was going to see my gynae and the last thing I want is to be referred to a breast specialist (and subject myself to another biopsy). So, I started looking up the net for solutions to clogged ducts. I tried the hot towel treatment, ice pack treatment, cabbage treatment but none worked for me. I looked up more solutions and one, which seemed like a hair-brained idea when I first read it, suggested using a wide-tooth comb to comb the blocked ducts away.

And that's what I did. There was nothing to lose, anyway. So, I started combing the breasts each time I fed Farah. (Sounds crazy, doesn't it?)

Amazingly, by the next day, there were no more lumps! Even the super-stubborn lump that was around from Huda's breasfeeding days (the one that necessitated a biopsy) was gone!!

A comb! That's the answer to blocked ducts!

So, I'm now a happier breastfeeding mother.

There are some inconveniences, of course. The number one headache I'm facing is starting my driving lessons again. I would need to introduce Farah to the bottle if I have to be away from her for a few hours. And I am just too l-a-z-y to do that. But it has to be done because my target is to get my license by Hari Raya (then I can drive off with my father's car because I got no money to buy one myself).

Another inconvenience is, I cannot eat less. As I want to make sure that my milk has lots of good stuff for Farah, I have to eat and eat and eat. The way I control the size of my tummy is by eating less but if this option is not available, am I supposed to exercise the fats away? *gulps*

Back to breastfeeding - Unlike the first time, this time round, I'm not setting a long target. I am going to go on unpaid leave til the end of 2010 but that does not mean I'll be breastfeeding til then. If I can, I will. If for whatever reasons, I cannot, then, there's always formula milk. Absolutely no pressure on myself. (But, I think I'll breastfeed for a minimum of 6 months to a year because infant formula is very expensive.)

So this marks the beginning my second breastfeeding journey. I hope I'll enjoy it as much as I did the first time round.


Lindah Taib said...

thanks for the tip on the comb.

glad your 2nd breastfeeding journey is well on course now. meanwhile, me is starting the struggle. hehehe. summore, i din get hamizan to latch on last time (breastfed by expression only) so i am beginning to feel the frustration now. engorged boobs starting soon, i can feel it this afternoon...

tea tea said...

oh wow! i wished i'd known abt this comb tip! tanx! this is definitely a keeper for future one (s?) insya Allah! anyways, cannot use cabbage cos' it'll cause ur milk supply to dwindle... but i think ure blessed w loads so tt's not a worry to you. still.. stay off cabbage k...

so wic breastpump are using now? i had measly milk supply w my mini electric plus too. and when i changed to avent manual my supply increases three-fold and four-fold from the usual 40ml (max) per pumping session w mammaries didn't react well to medela.....

irris irris said...

interesting tip about the comb! So, will you be adding a comb to your diaper-bag (or wristlet) necessities?

i hope to breastfeed my 2nd one too (insya-Allah, no good news yet now though) and I'll probably stick to my avent manual pumps ( i got 2 sets, both from SIL). I heard the medela pump (not the mini electric one) is really good - but at $700+ brand new, it's exorbitant! Breastfeeding is supposed to be simple, and cheap too, isn't it?

I agree with you too, that formula is expensive. It's getting more expensive. A can of enfagrow (1-3yrs) used to cost $28.60 at NTUC and I saw it last week, at $29++ at Giant - konon special offer some more! but then again formula is not poison, so whatever works for us, ya... :)

che' puan said...

Eh how about 'guasa' comb..!?

nad makhuda said...

lindah - oh yes! weren't we all pumping moms in the early months? but i managed to latch huda on from the 2nd month onwards cos she came back after 1.5 months. don't you feel like a first-time mother with the baby now? cos we had no experience with tali pusat, the meconium, latching on etc. for now you should massage massage massage to manage the engorgement. (did the lactation nurse come and treat your boobs like prata dough?)

tea - future oneS? woohoooo!!! go for it! i wouldn't mind another one if i'm guaranteed an easy pregnancy. hahaa! but, seriously, aku takleh handle another c-section, i think.

so you used avent manual pump? and it was much better than medela? yeah. i should have bought the avent manual pump. i only tried the cabbage treatment once because i was afraid it would cause a reduction in milk supply. maybe that's why i pumped out significantly less milk? anyway, i'm still using the medela til i find a good deal for an avent pump.

nani - are you working towards number 2? wooohoooo! (enjoy the process lah, beb. heh heh.) i thought of getting the ridiculously expensive medela pump when i was pumping for huda but decided against it because it's too expensive and way too heavy for me to lug from home to school to mom's place and back to my home daily.

and yeah, formula milk is getting more and more expensive! huda's drinking pediasure and it's almost $30 per can. however, every few days, she'll drink the excess milk i pump out.

seri - guasa comb to apa bende, ah? aku google carik gambar guasa comb, tak jumpa pun. tapi, aku rasa, ni mesti bende merepek yang boleh menghancurkan semua, err, sifat keperempuanan kalau digunakan, kan?

Lindah Taib said...

yah... In a way i feel totally like a 1st time mum. Kesian hamizan. Missed many firsts. Btw there was a seminar at kkh yest (walkd ard after discharge) and sales pple frm ubi's baby hypermart were selling manual pump that looks like Avent but called GL. It was only $18. I bought it and tried it at home yest. Seem to work as well as an avent manual (i sold mine wen i bought ameda electric) cuma penat sikitlah tangan.

izadnhana Ismail said...

HEY YOU!! been sooo long since i popped in multiply and voila, you gave birth!! :)))
and ahh, our favourite pet topic. hehe.
auni's coming to 12 mths and i broke my EBF target of 1 full year by a few weeks. ok lah, am not feeling too bad about it, coz she's already eating so much junk aaaanyway, lol. we call her the garbage disposer.
and haiyyahh i could've warned you abt the medela mini electric. it was the first pump i tried and it turned me off pumping like totally. i still swear by my (borrowed) avent manuals. :p
since you're bf-ing anyway, just eat lah. eat eat eat. ok.
hear from you again soon! (when i remember my multiply account again.)

Liza Ali said...

a crude way to put it - sikat tetek! Hahahaha

nad makhuda said...

lindah - is that GL thing as good as an avent manual? if it is, maybe i'll look for it.

hana - medela mini electric is that lousy, eh? it worked well for me during huda's time but somehow this time round my breasts dont like it very much. in any case, although they worked well during huda's time, the motor became weak very fast. maybe because i was a heavy duty pumper.
abt eating - this is the best time of my life lah. can eat eat eat eat all day, every day. must maintain quality milk maaaa. (or rather, moooo..)

liza - kau dah melucahkan aku punya blog. hahahaaaa!

Lindah Taib said...

i think it is. i cant tell any functional difference between them at all. although when u need spare parts, i am not sure if hypermart carries them. after my son latch on, wah, the milk letdown is very good. very fast. but i cant find the country of origin. for all i know, its an imitation from china or something...

nad makhuda said...

lindah - imitation from china? hahaa! maybe i'll go to hypermart next time i'm in the east to check out this GL pump.

su s said...

Hey babe! Hope your bf journey is smoother now. I hav an Avent battery-operated/electric pump back home.You can use it manually too. If u need it I can ask my sis to pass it to u.

su s said...

Hey babe! Hope your bf journey is smoother now. I hav an Avent battery-operated/electric pump back home.You can use it manually too. If u need it I can ask my sis to pass it to u.

nad makhuda said...

suraya, you are a life saver!! so, the avent electric pump can be used manually - just like the avent manual pump? if it can, can i please please borrow it for the next few months? will email you.