Monday, January 05, 2009

Week 32

I don't feel like writing long sentences and paragraphs today.

1. Baby is smaller than average. Has been so since W28's checkup and has worsened since.

2. Baby is on the 3rd percentile of the growth chart. Well, at least she's on the charts.

3. Problem is the same as Huda's - poor blood flow into the womb.

4. Am I disappointed? A little bit. But, I have to be grateful that she's bigger now at 32 weeks than Huda was at 34 weeks. So, she will definitely be bigger than this at birth. And she won't have to spend 1 and half months at the hospital.

5. I can only pray that she'll be healthy and normal. Amin.


On another note...

I was pleasantly surprised, as I was trudging up the stairs, to find that they have installed the doors to the lift!! Yippppppeeee!!! Does this mean that the lift will be ready before the April/May/June projected date? Please please please please!! Let it be ready by the end of this month, please!!!


ika idraki said...

bersabar love.. im hanging in there as well.. this time round she's bigger than aniq was at birth.. and i'm still a few weeks away... :)

i'll pray for a healthy baby for you love. irregardless of weight.

che' puan said...

Kau kan comel loteh... anak kau pun comel loteh juga...

So, dah start 'kegel' and squatting..? Or lavender tea leaves, 2 cups a day, a month before due, to soften the cervix..? Aku macam betul, searched everywhere, found and bought those tea leaves but drank only less than 10 cups.. the rest buat perhiasan potpourri..! Haha

Suraya Samat said...


Ana mn said...

Look at Huda now! She's all cheerful and healthy! Whatever happens, I am sure your girl will be as beautiful as Huda. Cheer up!

su s said...

take care of yourself....I'm sure u're looking fwd to the maternity leave :P
How's huda in school?

e_ chaya said...

hey babe. only just started catching up on multiply. chin up, it's great that she's already bigger than huda at this stage. Insya Allah, she'll be fine. we will all doa for her too. Ameen. and pray that your lift will be ready soon too...

tea tea said...

insya Allah huda's adik will be fine and dandy and healthy like kakak huda too! we will make doa's for her and for the mummy too... take care okies.. :)

nad makhuda said...

kegel tu, ada lah aku buat bila teringat.

other preparations - aaaahhhhh!!!! belum lagi!! hospital bag not packed. baju si kenit, not yet wash. in fact, baju dia bertabur2 all over the place (sebab dia inherit baju kakak dia + her older cousins). one box at my mom's. 2 huge plastic bags at my sister's place... lagi satu kotak kat rumah aku tapi obviously belum unpack.. aarrrgggghhh!!! so much to do this weekend!!

nad makhuda said...

yup yup.. my concern is really the health issues. huda was very lucky because as a tiny preemie, she didnt have any health problems related to being tiny at birth. but, since huda's birth, i've learnt of a lot of kids with varied problems because of their prematurity and this is what worried me somewhat. but, i can only pray that she'll be healthy. amin.

nad makhuda said...

thanks su! of course! that, and the long npl after that. (these days, i find like i kerje main2 aje..) huda's doing okay in school. like johnsons and johnsons famous line, no more tears!

nad makhuda said...

thanks for the doa, babe! yes. my consolation is although she's small, she's still bigger than huda. and, that lift - it better be ready by the time i give birth!!

errr.. while you're catching up on multiply, i'd like to tell you that there's this (not so) new thing called facebook. hahaa! am i insulting you or am i insulting you..

nad makhuda said...

amin! i hope she'll be healthy and will have absolutely no health problems. kalau ada pun, let it be small insignificant things that can be fixed easily. :)

e_ chaya said...

hahaha. sempat kau eh. but it's ok sebab it's the truth. i've been on it for ages tapi so far aku belum post ape2 pun. cuma msg fr time to time but hey there's email for that.

i can empathise - when no3 came along i was buried in boxes of toys n clothes to sort according to size... dah habis kemas belum?