Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Week 34

I am now 34 weeks, 3 days along and I am still pregnant! Alhamdulillah!

When I went for my check-up last week, I was haunted by the thought that I could very well be admitted if the baby's growth wasn't satisfactory. That was what happened almost 3 years ago with Huda. But, this little girl wants to stay in a lot longer and she showed it by putting on a bit of weight that week.

I was so relieved when the scans and CTG showed that all was well. Farah (that's her name!) was still smaller than her peers but not by so much this time round.

Being allowed to go home was a sign that I better get all the baby things ready: pack the hospital bag, sort and wash Farah's clothes, make space for Farah's clothes in the wardrobe..

At this point, two days away from my next check-up, my progress has been minimal. I've come up with a list of items for the hospital bag, Farah's clothes are in the washing machine now (like, finally!!) but space in the wardrobe - maybe I'll do that tomorrow..


For the past few weeks, I have been feeling very very not-eloquent(?). I am going through my I-need-to-speak-Singlish phase. :P


Ana mn said...

Go ahead speak Singlish! whatever the mummy is craving for ;-) hehehehehe

irris irris said...

Wah this is a new kind of "craving" haha! Alhamdulillah, happy for you that Farah is staying in longer. Hopefully all the way through 37, or even 40 weeks (erm, that's what you want, rite? hehe)

nad makhuda said...

hahaa! never thought of it as a craving!!

nad makhuda said...

hopefully til 36 weeks, at least! 40 weeks? whoa! i dunno how much of all these aches and pains i can take. but, if i can tahan that long, i'll be soooooooo proud of myself.

nur azean said...

I can see that Farah is putting her weight on mummy as mummy seems to waddle more in school these days, take care n enjoy the fun of preparing for the baby. Lagi berapa minggu ajekan sebelum kau cuti panjang hehhe

tea tea said...

wah alhamdulillah!!! good news indeed! farah, be good and stay there for 36weeks minimum and 40 weeks, ok baby? :) listen to your mak ok... :)

nad makhuda said...

i've finally packed my hospital bag last night! i'm scared go check-up today, kene tahan.

nad makhuda said...

yup! yup! less than 1.5 weeks before i hit 36 weeks!! but, now the stomach like always in pain leh. what does a contraction feel like?