Friday, January 23, 2009

Running Out of Time

1. A respite! A respite!! I was granted a respite! Farah is still along the 3rd centile. The blood flow doesn't look that good either but things are not so bad that I had to be admitted or the baby had to be delivered immediately. However, the gynae asking me, "So, how? Today you want to beranak or not?" threw me off and brought me back to reality. Yes. I am going to give birth soon. I'm almost 35 weeks now. While I would prefer a natural birth, the gynae highlighted to me the unlikeliness of that happening. For one thing, inducing labour is not an option for tiny babes like Farah. So, we came to an agreement of sorts - that, if by the 37th week, nothing's happening, to the operating theatre we will go. I'll pick a date at the next check-up.

2. Having to go for weekly scans and check-ups now, I think I will see all of $0.42 cents in my salary next month. Each time I go for these things, I just flash my see-as card and everything will be deducted from my salary. Scans and check--ups don't come cheap and with at least 4 scans this month - ouch ouch ouch! I'm just glad that I'm not celebrating see-an-why otherwise, I'll be broke beyond belief.

3. At the end of every work day, I'll arrange the stuff I'm supposed to do the following day and write notes on each pile. I'm so afraid that I'll deliver the baby at night and people will not know where I've stopped and what to do with my charges.

4. The Husband is now in charge of clearing the wardrobe to make space for Farah's clothes. Good luck to him.

5. I've stopped watching The Little Nyonya online. I'm saving the rest of the episodes for my hospital stay.

6. Huda - I haven't talked much about her here lately. But, I think she will be okay with the little bub. We have already decided what to get her as a present (supposedly from Farah) - more Dora stuff. She has not watched a single episode of Dora yet she loves that character to bits.

7. Today, Huda's grandmother babysat her cousin, Farouq, and the little boy cried when he woke up from his nap. She tried to soothe Farouq and when she failed, she practicaly dragged her grandma into the room. So, I don't think she will make attempts to gouge Farah's eyes out when she's alone with her. (Well, I hope she won't!)

8. Hmm.. I thought I had quite a bit to say earlier but my memory being what it is, I can't recall what they were.

9. Now, I have a desire to poo but it's just phantom shit. Do forgive my very articulate self. Apparently that's a sign of labour but I'm just not feeling it. I have no idea what contractions feel like but those who have experienced it said that they are very, very painful. My stomach will get all hard but the pain is manageable. Besides, it's not even at regular intervals. So, I'll just wait it out and maybe, sometime in W37, I'll have my c-section.

10. Finally, have a happy Chinese New Year to all those who are celebrating it! And to those who aren't, it's a superduper loooong weekend. Rejoice, people!


Lindah Taib said...

hi naddy,

haha. phantom shit. to tell you the truth, that's what contractions with hamizan was like. i spent 4 hrs in and out of the toilet before i realised i had to be at the hospital. hope it comes naturally. :)

Liza Ali said...

Dr Tan always asks like that, esp when u feel all heavy and really want to beranak there n then. But dun fall for it! Stay away frm hospital as long as possible. But if u really2 feel that there will be risks, then by all means. Manalah tau ada chance for vbac.

To me, rasa nak berak tu might just be BH. Yg betul sakitlah sgt. One that if you're in the middle of a sentence, u really have to stop, n u'll naturally hold ur breath. So must ingat to breathe properly thruout.

That card....dia betul2 mcm emm-oh-eee's version of credit card. All the way frm Dec to Apr, diaorg tak potong my salary, sekali May tiba2 mcm suka2 hati nak potong...sekali hah...$500+!!!

Little nyonya!!! Kat mana leh tgk online?? I did miss out a few episodes in the beginning.

Anyway, I'm so excited for you, Nad. Do take good care of yourself. I'll pray for your well-being...

Ai Li Tay said...

WRT point 2. Nad, you are SO RESPONSIBLE! Can't believe this!
Glad you are still doing alright....looking forward to your number 2! Farah!

nad makhuda said...

i hope it comes naturally too! i was thinking of not going to the hospital until i can see the baby's head. wahahaaa!

nad makhuda said...

watch it here:

you're such an addict, aren''t you? :P dont you think the 3-min 'special ending' was just crap?

eh, they didnt cut the amount from your salary for a few months? aiyooohhhh.. sekali, aku dah on npl baru dia nak potong.. bankrupt aku kene bayar everything all at once in cash..

nad makhuda said...

think you're referring to #3, right? not only have i done this, i have also placed all the admin stuff for the class in one file, with content page some more - so that the person who takes over knows exactly what's happening in class. never in my teaching life has my stuff been so neatly organised!! i think i'm just mad lor. or too free.

Liza Ali said...

eh mcm mana nak search by episode. aku tak tau baca/type cina lah

nad makhuda said...

ish ish ish... dah tengok banyak2 pun, masih belum pandai baca? sini, akak ajar sket, eh? look at the numbers below the video screen. just move to the right to catch the laer episodes.

tea tea said...

errr yar...contractions are super pain but if u feel like nak terb many times then better to be safe and go doc?

the teacher who is taking over from u is so lucky!!!!!!! :)

nad makhuda said...

the phantom poo feeling doesnt happen that often - like once every few days. i think as long as the pain is tolerable, it's not quite a real contraction, hor? but, then again, it looks like i'll be having another c-sect. so, i hope i wont have bad contractions because i'm gonna get all these undesirable post-c-sect pains. urgh.

nad makhuda said...

the phantom poo feeling doesnt happen that often - like once every few days. i think as long as the pain is tolerable, it's not quite a real contraction, hor? but, then again, it looks like i'll be having another c-sect. so, i hope i wont have bad contractions because i'm gonna get all these undesirable post-c-sect pains. urgh.

Ana mn said...

Hope you and Farah are doing fine. Can't wait to see her but will wait if that makes you happier in wanting her to be in your womb longer. :-)