Sunday, January 11, 2009


Tomorrow - another scan to find out if Farah is growing well.
She has been growing well all throughout the pregnancy until week 28. 5 weeks ago, the scan shows that she's slightly below the 50th percentile. Last week, the scan shows that she's on the 3rd percentile. The reason for the slowing growth rate is the same as Huda's - poor blood flow.
With Huda, I was hospitalised after W33's check-up. And she was born in the wee hours of W34.
So, I am mentally preparing myself for a stay in the hospital tomorrow. I hope it won't come to that but it doesn't hurt to prepare yourself mentally, does it? Most importantly, I should clear my work and make sure that there's a smooth handover to the next person. This being so early in the year, there is not that much to clear but I have rubbish from the previous year which needs disposing. I do not know why I didn't do this any earlier. Grrr.
Mental preparation is one thing but other preparations are NOT underway.
For example, I do not have a hospital bag packed. Heck. I don't even know what is supposed to go into a hospital bag. And, what about Farah's clothes? Not unpacked, not washed!! It doesn't help that they are in three different houses - mine, my sister's and my mom's. There's also no space in the wardrobe for Farah's clothes. I have to prune Huda's clothes to make way for Farah's. See? So much to do and if I have to be hospitalised tomorrow, I am in trouble for sure. Being mentally prepared is just not enough.
And then, there are things I want to do to the house. The most important of which is to get some professional cleaners to clean that once-upon-a-time-off-white-leather-sofa-but-now-is-brown-and-grey. And clean the window grilles of Huda and Farah's room.
Okay. So, that's what I have to do. What I'm gonna do now is to list down what I'm supposed to have in my hospital bag. Hopefully, I won't be hospitalised tomorrow.

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