Saturday, January 24, 2009

Big Sister Huda

Stuff about Huda which she may enjoy reading in future..

1. Her favourite colour is purple. She wants her purple shoes, purple T-shirts, purple pants, purple Yakult and purple panties. She drinks from her purple bottle and wants her father to buy her a purple crane (the machine, not the bird).

2. She's still in the process of toilet-training (as long as she gets to wear her purple panties - of which we only have two). She has no problem peeing in the toilet but she just can't poo in there. She will tell me that she wants to poo but 5 trips to the toilet later, still no poo. Put on her diapers and the poo just comes. Hmm.. This is a toughie. My mom suggested not giving in to her diaper demands but I'm afraid she'll be constipated.

3. She had another bout of stuffy nose and a whole lot of phlegm last week. One of the medicines prescribed was a nose spray to clear her nose. She hated this tremendously so we used it only when she couldn't breathe through her nose. Before her nap time in school, her teacher tried to persuade her into using the nose spray.

Teacher:   Huda, come. Let's use the nose spray.
Huda:       Huda tak nak lah. (I don't want lah.)
Teacher went on to extol the virtues of the nose spray.
Huda:       Huda dah tidur lah. (I've gone to sleep lah.)
She promptly lay on her mattress and pretended to sleep.
4. Talking about school - her grandfather sends her to school now that I'm back at school myself. In the earlier weeks, she will insist that her grandmother sends her as well but now she will sit at the backseat of the car AND she actually allows herself to be belted up! She also makes no attempts to unlock the door or hurl herself out of the car. Whew!
5. Her teacher reports that she is coping very well with school. She eats well and takes her naps without much fuss. She plays with her friends. On two occasions however, she scolded kids from the next class. *gulps* One was her own cousin who was extra clingy one day. The other one was a boy who was crying before their nap time. She - who can be extra noisy during nap time herself - actually had the audacity to walk to the next class and told the boy, "Diam!" And the boy actually kept quiet after that.
6. We do wish that she is a lot clearer in her pronunciation and enunciation of words but I suppose some children take a longer time to do this. Most of the times, if the /s/ sound appears at the beginning of the syllable, it will be pronounced as a /t/ sound. /s/ at the end of syllables are not mispronounced, though. I guess it's just bad speech habit. We try to make her say the words properly but once the word appears in a sentence, it gets mispronounced again. Hmm.. more time needed, perhaps.
7. She enjoys being read too. She will take books after books and get either her father or her mother to read them for her. I'm not too sure if she understands what we're reading because almost all the books are English storybooks and we speak mostly Malay to her. But, reading is good so we just do it. One of the many stories she enjoys is Puss in Boots. I'm pretty disturbed by this story because it's about a cat who lies and his master reaps huge rewards all thanks to the lies the cat tells.
8. She likes to choose her own clothes now. Grrrr.. This is a stage I don't like. She will choose a long-sleeve T-shirt on a scorching hot day AND she will want to wear a short-sleeve front-buttoning pyjamas top over that long-sleeve T-shirt. I'll be treated to howls of protests if I were to deny her requests. Of course, matching is never an issue for her. To her,cartoon prints go perfectly well with floral prints. And she would want to wear this when we go out. What will people think? Surely it's a form of abuse when you allow your children to go out of the house in horrifyingly mismatched clothing? :P
Of course, after I've posted his, I'll remember about 8 more things to write about but I'll save that for another day (if I can still remember them another day).


Liza Ali said...

mismatched clothes - back then i'll tell Irfan that people/his frens may bump into him when we go out and say, "Eh...? Why Irfan's clothes very funny?". He'll immediately agree to change into better matched ones:)

Ai Li Tay said...

Huda's like me! have I ever told you before? When I was young, I would eat yam ice cream simply because it is purple!

irris irris said...

So cute! She quite garang eh... erm... wonder where she got that from...ehhe

About the speech & potty training (pooing only when diapers are on), she's similar to my hub's niece who's also about 3 + (but that girl is in nursery this yr). So from where I see it, Huda's doing pretty well...!

Ana mn said...

Sarah and Huda have something in common - pooing in the diaper. Sarah doesn't want to do it in the toilet bowl. Ya I agree with u that kids can hold their poo. That's why I always give in to her when she wants her diaper. :-)

And purple? Just like Barney;-)

tea tea said...

huda suka barney eh? purple is a super nice colour..................... :)) and pink too...and GREEN too... keekkekekek

huda super cute la!!! and whoa....she got her errmm...*teacher traits* from her mak ah? terrer seh huda! hahaha! shoooooooooooo cute!!

nad makhuda said...

sigh. she does NOT care what other people think! grrrrrrrrr!!!! she would go out in her pyjamas if i didnt hide them from her. *rolls eyes*
i think i'll just take lots of pictures of her in all these strange outfits and will show them to her potential suitors in future.

nad makhuda said...

goodness! yam ice cream?! i hope huda does not go down that route. there's no way i will finish up her yam ice cream. do you still have a penchant for purple now?

nad makhuda said...

garang-ness from, errrr.... dunno leh? :P

so huda's not the only one who cant poo without her diapers? that's interesting to note. why ah? what's so special about the diapers? do they like the post-poo stickiness?

nad makhuda said...

another one who enjoys the post-poo stickiness? heheee... these kids should form a club.

naaahhh.. i'm not a fan of barney so it's not barney she's obsessed about. it's just purple. we gotta stock up on purple panties once the stores open after this cny period.

nad makhuda said...

unfortunately, she has no inclinations towards green. :P

teacher traits from her mom? hahaa!! i dowan to admit anything hor? but, if kids adopt their mothers' behaviour during pregnancy, farah will be a lot more garang because i did a lot more scolding this pregnancy...

su s said...

I've always wanted to document these cute moments of my sons but never got down to do it. When my second one came, it's amazing how much I've forgotten the milestones of my elder one...and they're only 1.5 yr apart. My sons took all my patience...and when it comes to the father I have very little left.

Ai Li Tay said...

Hey, Yam ice cream is nice ok....REALLY. I still do like purple, but I have no purple clothes, my room's painted violet, I have violet bedsheets, purple/violet get the idea.... =)

nad makhuda said...

you must! you must!!! i'm writing all these down because i have a very very bad memory and will soon forget all these things if i don't write it down somewhere. i'm only gonna have 2 kids but i'm pretty sure that years down the road, i'll mix their pasts up. that's why i absolutely must do this.

nad makhuda said...

euw. i had some yam ice cream before and i still prefer chocolate ice cream anytime, birthday girl. :)

when i finally do up the girls' room, maybe, i should paint a section of it violet or lilac or something. and another wall for farah's favourite colour. let's just hope farah doesnt like a colour that totally clashes with purple.

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

hihi, i remember issue #8 very well with nunu. her choice for clothes were horrifying. and yup, i thought ppl would think i'm a bad mom for letting her wear sthing so inappropriate.

nad makhuda said...

they will outgrow this phase, won't they? now she always wants to dress like her father. so, if we put her in a pretty dress, then her father puts on a pair of jeans, she would want to wear a pair of jeans too - with the dress!! *sigh*

nad makhuda said...

they will outgrow this phase, won't they? now she always wants to dress like her father. so, if we put her in a pretty dress, then her father puts on a pair of jeans, she would want to wear a pair of jeans too - with the dress!! *sigh*