Friday, August 01, 2008

Week 10

1 August 2008 Week 10 will officially start on August 3. I'm beginning to feel better. I have not vomited out any food for the last 2 days. This is my many, many prayers answered. Masya Allah. When I had Huda, I prayed that if being terribly sick for five months meant that I would not have a terrible time in my next pregnancy, then, let it all come. And came it did. Waves of nausea and an assortment of related illness. So, please please please please.. let my pregnancy be better this time round. Amin.

3 August 2008 I've reached Week 10 (only!) and I told myself some weeks ago that I will summon all my strength to send the morning sickness away by Week 10. Presently, there's some kind of fiesta in my stomach. Whatever I eat seems to be at the edge of my oesophagus, just waiting for a little opening to surge right out. If they are not there, they and some gastric juices are doing the conga all over my stomach.

8 August 2008 Just checked how many days I've been on medical leave and ~ horrors!! ~ 8 days!! Wah seh!! I think this is the most I've ever taken in a year. But, then again, this also included my one-week leave for my miscarriage early this year. Gaaaahh.. I still foresee more weak days ahead soooo...

The feeling of fatigue is also ever-present. This morning, I had to stand around for about one hour. And, did I feel exhausted after that! The good thing was, I didn't have to join in the loooooong walk that the rest of them had to do. The sweet kiddies did offer to carry me in a sedan chair. But, no thank you, hor? I've just scolded them yesterday (and the day before and the day before and well, the day before too..) and they might just tip the chair and there goes Madame N.

However, the situation with food is improving. There are still some food items which are okay-sometimes-and-vomit-inducing-at-other-times. But the safe bet is always on the noodles. Noodles agree very well with me but plain rice - EUUUUUUWWWWWW!!!! See? Just the mere mention of it caused by stomach to do a somersault. It also means that it's sometimes a bit difficult getting food because rice is, well, omnipresent. So, sometimes, I still have to nibble on it and hope it will not turn me into a merlion. (Unfortunately it will.)


Liza Ali said...

There's just something about rice lah. I had the same problem with rice, but sometimes I really2 feel like having it. So I'll buat bodoh and eat, then off to the toilet to do whatI did best, the MERLION thingy. We're true blue Singaporeans, what can I say? ;p

nad makhuda said...

liza - you couldnt take rice for the entire pregnancy or only in the first few months? very leceh leh if cannot take rice for 9 months. kepala aku pulak sekarang dah start pening2 sebab makan tak betul.

Kai Ling Lim said...

take noodles lor.. or oats with soya milk/milk

Liza Ali said...

First 5 mths = terrible period.
Makan nasi je muntah, but same thing with ALL other food. Tapi memandangkan appetite aku yg semulajadi hebat, sakit pun makan, so I think some food manage to remain inside despite the merlion acts.

6-7 mths
Honeymoon period. Can eat. Nasi still will go out. Mabuk2 stays.

8-end mths
Morning sickness start balik. NO nasi. Other food oso kluar. Only coke, chocolates and Ben&Jerry's ice-cream remains...hehe!

nad makhuda said...

kailing - yup. noodles is my staple diet these days. but, when i'm at my mom's and only rice is available, what to do.. just eat what's available lor. otherwise i have to buy. or make maggi mee.

liza - wah seh!! i love your diet from 8th month onwards! hahaa! appetite aku ni tak sehebat kau punya. time biasa2 pun aku tak makan banyak. jadi time sekarang, lagi dahsyat lah. however, i try to eat more durians. sekarang tengah musim, jadi gerek!