Saturday, August 02, 2008

Ants Again


The ants are back.

Big black ants - the type that when crushed, you can hear their bones breaking. Sigh.

In my present state, I really don't have the energy to turn the kitchen upside down to find out where they have built their nest. (The Husband is not keen on doing the detective work. I gotta find their home, point it out to him, and the hero that he is, he will get rid of them.) I think I will just let them live freely for a few more weeks. Then, they'll be dead. DEAD. *insert evil laughter here*

(Of course, if you have quick solutions that will annihilate the entire population, your ideas are most welcome.)


Ai Li Tay said...

You know those ant thingy where you place them somewhere and then they will carry the 'poison' back and the whole colony gets destroyed kind? but your ants sounds like the powderful kind...aiyo, my english sounds horrid, but i am too sleepy to be bothered...

che' puan said...

Is your house on the lower floor..? Mine on the 2nd , and my mum said actually those black ants came from the ground floor.. orang buang barang, the tong sampah, etc.. perhaps it could be true, cause i couldn't find the nest elsewhere in the house... we placed those round ant thingy in the house, it used to drive away the normal red ants, the normal black ants, or the small 'semut halus'..but not this big black one.. geram..! one day, i really observed the trail.. yes it was from the ground floor..! One tip: Do not leave any rubbih terdedah or tak diikat.. dont keep rubbish overnight.. even the sampah cuci pinggan mangkuk..!

Kai Ling Lim said...

there is this white chemical powder that you sprinkle around, but I don't know if it's safe if accidentally consumed. I get them here in my kitchen too.... and I don't want chemicals near my,

take burnt crushed eggs shells. egg shells, wash and crush, put into oven and bake till it's burnt. Sprinkle at corners. Of course, it looks a bit ugly around your house. Works wonders though....

mrs shafei z said...

i have these ants in the kitchen for several months too. da lama2 malas sey nak carik dari maner dorang dtg.

Eity Norhyezah said...

Eh my place also lots of ants..pantang ada any food left a matter of minutes the ants will all colours and sizes....

Liza Ali said...

Mak aku kata...kalau ada semut hitam maknanya nak dapat rezeki. So biarkan lah je...hehe!

izadnhana Ismail said...

ants got bones ah. hehee.

and i also still have that problem where they keep trying kamikaze style to reach for my drinking water even though there's a trench of water surrounding my water jug!! wth?! sometimes one or two succeeds too!

my mum tried to put salt around the plate where i place the water jug and it works for a bit, but i think they've evolved to salt-eating-and-water-drinking monsters by now.

as for the small ants, i think they climb up from INSIDE my kitchen sink. coz we put the rubbish there and within minutes, voila! up they come, marching in.

Azlifah Afizukil said...

the ants go marching one by one...hurrah hurrah! the ants go marching in......*come on people lets sing it together!*

nad makhuda said...

aili - i know what you mean. i've bought a few types but my ants, besides having bones, also have higher-order-thinking lor. so they just avoid those things. maybe i should mix those things with some sugar.

seri - my house is on the 4th floor. i dont think they come from the rubbish chute. my chute is very tight. and no pests have managed to squeeze in so far even when they were fumigating the chutes. so i think they've set up home kat dalam rumah aku. cis. biadab.

kailing - will that drive the ants away? i'll try that this weekend. i really am in no mood to trail their movement and find out where their nest is.

norza - if you cant beat 'em, join 'em! hahaa!

eity - at least my ants are not multi-racial. only the fat, black ones are residing in my house.

liza - abetue, aku kene bagi dorang tumpang rumah aku for free? no way, jose! nyah kau semua dari sini!

hana - only the ants in my house have bones. hehe! and yours climb in from the kitchen sink? i will pour hot water and bleach down the sink very regularly if i were you.
anyway, my fat black ants dont go for my water jug. the tiny brown ones which used to live here loved to die in water. my friend said that they'd rather die full (of water) than die a hungry ghost.

azlifah - no thanks! i'm not shouting hooray with these ants marching in! :P