Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Week 11

13 August 2008 This week 11 brings mixed feelings in me. A friend lost her baby at Week 13 and another one is nursing two ill children to good health. I can only pray for good health for them and I also pray that this child I'm carrying will be healthy.

(I am not one of those people who cannot hear bad news during pregnancy.)

15 August 2008 My first trimester is almost coming to an end. And, miraculously, my pregnancy is getting better. I managed to walk back from my mom's place this evening, saving me almost $5 in taxi fare (Yes, all the surcharges are freaking ridiculous). I was winded by the time I reached the foot of my block but I was still alive.

I'm still vomiting occasionally, most often in the morning. Yesterday, I vomited the instant 3-in-1 teh tarik I made. I'm learning to avoid food and drinks that cause me to vomit (rice and plain water mostly - and what I discovered yesterday - coffee creamer and instant 3-in-1 drinks, also yoghurt-based drinks and their family members - lassi and yakult, for example).

I'm still not eating the amount of food I used to eat in my pre-pregnancy days but I have faith that my appetite will come back and my stomach will soon expand to fit in more food (presently, it's the size of a walnut after the gastric juices have eaten up 90% of it). I'm also drinking only about 2-3 cups of fluids a day. I know it's not much but if I drink too much, I'll just end up vomiting everything out.

Not being able to drink plain water worries me a bit. Plain water has always been my drink of choice so I'm not sure if my body knows how to handle all the extra sugars I'm taking. I fear I'll develop gestational diabetes with all the sweetened drink. So, I dilute everything. Including milo. Imagine milo that comes in a pack. I'll pour a little bit of it into a cup and then add water. Sounds awful, doesn't it? At work, I'll drink soya bean and ask for lots of ice. I really, really hope I won't develop gestational diabetes because both my mom and sis had it during theirs. As it is, my appetite is not really that great and if I have to watch what I eat, that will just result in me not eating anything much. (It also doesn't help that I have a thing for durians these days - which is a very good yang food.)

Anyway, I foresee that I may not be writing much with regards to being pregnant in the next few weeks. I started off wanting to document each week because of my too-eventful first pregnancy. I wish I had a week-by-week account of what I felt and what I went through then. Unfortunately, all I did was diligently complained to a group of my lovely friends via email, which I have since deleted (the emails, not the friends). So, now that my pregnancy seems to be going on smoothly with no further complications (continue praying for this, y'all), there's really nothing much to say. (I'm not complaining lest I sound like I am.)

16 August 2008 I discovered that I should eat first before drinking. That will help line my stomach sufficiently and keep the vomitting away.


Eity Norhyezah said...

Nad, have you tried fruits? I remember when I was pregnant with my girls, I could only eat fruits.

nad makhuda said...

i tried fruit but a lot of fruit didnt settle in my stomach well. watermelon and mangoes made me queasy. apple makes me throw up immediately. avocado also makes me feel queasy. the only one that still leaves me feeling okay is durian. yum yum.

aku berserah lah. apa yang aku boleh makan, aku makan. tak boleh, what to do.. must avoid lor.

Liza Ali said...

Fruits maybe for girls...mana tau Nad expcting a boy? :)

Next time aku nak makan fruuuuuuuuiiittts je. Haha...malam2 masih bangun berkali2 layan budak melalak, dah nak fikir next time eh...

Azlifah Afizukil said...

Yah, when I was preggy wif Alisya watermelons was all I cud eat. Then i'd be burping happily :o)
Hmm...yah Nad, maybe it's a boy dis time nye!

Elizabeth Choo said...

Not too much durian...lots of carbo means lots of sugar!

nur azean said...

Nad u'll be fine, i remember wat my wonderful gynae said to me the more u vomit, the healthier the baby u're carrying...I wonderlah. I pray for you n baby's best of health. Yes Liza ure very ambitious but then again kalau dah penat penat sekali. Im thinking of trying for another one later bt hubby wants it right away, any advice?

nad makhuda said...

liza & az - i'm afraid if both of you are thinking about the 'next time' must wait til tomorrow lor to gegarkan woodlands. almaklumlah, national day rally is embargoed. anyway, do you think it's nice to have one boy, one girl rather than 2 children of the same gender. more convenient right, if theya re of the same gender? can share rooms, be best friends,claw each other's eyes out, share clothes etc..?

bird - yeah.. unfortunately, if durian makes me feel good, then durian it is! i dont go overboard, though. so (hopefully), no worries.

azean - i think you must wait. you should wait at least 3 months to let your womb rest. best is 6 months. so, dont rush it. :)
i also heard about the more you vomit, the better it is because your pregnancy hormones are multiplying rapidly. errrr... but i also vomited non-stop with huda but she turned out to be super small and tak cukup makan in the womb leh? so, i suppose, most of the time, it's correct but sometimes, doesnt quite work.

nur azean said...

i agree having 2 girls cn be quite fun now, esp girls they nd sister to share, learn cooking, gossips n many more doctors cn just diagnose, for my 1st 2 my gynae was surprise dat i dun haf morning sickness n vomitting, alhamdulilah girls turn out tom be healthy but for my 3 rd one always vomitting n loads of sickness...hai but watever it is Nad thanx for ur advice, I will convey to hubby about womb needs to rest, but 4 u hold on yah, ure ending ur 1st trime very soon. Take care!