Sunday, August 17, 2008

Some Thoughts

1. 9.69 seconds is the time I need to sit up from a lying-down position on the sofa.

2. 0.01 second? I can't comprehend such a tiny fraction of time because my life is presently in slow-motion.

3. Is it right to say that you've won a silver when actually you've lost the gold because you have already won the silver when you won the semi-finals. So, when you lost the finals, it should be lost a gold, shouldn't it? But, well, it's just semantics, I suppose.

4. Grrr.. I've been looking forward to the National Day Rally. But, I gotta wait til tomorrow 8pm. (Unless I manage to get info from someone I know who's now sitting in the audience in the rally.) Obviously, I'm dying to know what pro-family measures will be introduced. I have a whole lot of ideas. But, ultimately, I think there must be real work-life balance. I was surprised to learn of a Blue Sky policy which was supposed to ensure that civil servants leave the office by 6pm on Fridays. Hellloooooooo civil servants, do you leave the office by 6pm on Fridays?

For there to be more babies, people must have time to relax and unwind. I'm not just talking about married people here. People who are single must have time to go out, engage in acivities they enjoy and hopefully, meet the love of their life along the way. As long as people are married to their work, it is impossible for people to enjoy what life has to offer; not everybody meets their life partners while studying or working.

To start off, a 4-day work week is most ideal. But, even with the present 5-day work week, I know a good number of workaholics who go back to the office on Saturdays. How sad is that? I once had a supervisor who told me, "I don't work on weekends." If more people were to do this (me including), I'm sure the birth rate will go up. But how is this ever possible? We sometimes have impossible deadlines that require us to work through the weekends and the wee hours of Monday morning.

Then, I have many, many ideas about helping families through pregnancy and the post-birth period. But, I think I'll stop now because I'm feeling queasy. (Today was a vomitty day. So much for thinking that I was getting better towards the end of Week 11.)

Psst.. To my friends who are reading this and who are without multiply accounts (I think there are all of three of you.. hur hur hur..), I put up some pregnancy-related entries but I think you gotta have a multiply account before you can access those pages because I may have mentioned a thing or two about w0rk and you all know how touchy that topic can be with the very very big bosses so, I gotta monitor who does the reading for those entries..


tea tea said...

heard the rally already? i feel positive over what's to come altho' i do wish for 4 MONTHS of absolute maternity leave instead of 16 weeks!

tea tea said...

there's a huge difference between months and weeks ley!

nad makhuda said...

yeah lor. but 16 weeks is still better than 12 weeks. i love PAP. hahaaa! at least, i'll get paid for a bit more. anyway, are you hard at work now that the rally is over? heh ;)

nur azean said...

16 weeks quite ok, at first i heard its 60 weeks,was overjoyed bt its too good to be true right. Anyway sometimes its where u happen to be, if u end up in a place where eat, sleep n die at work, its goin to be difficult.Its easy to tell us to balance work n family but wif all those deadlines, book checking n ever so subjective ranking, how cn we give full commitments to have more babies. susah babe!

nad makhuda said...

60 weeks???? you wait long long lahhh..

yeah. it's difficult to find balance sometimes. but, if mrs lky can do it, i'm sure we can. (hahaaa!) but then again, she can do it because she's mrs lky. sapalah aku ni...

tea tea said...

hahah! nolah...the time is not right. the time must be right so that i can cabut from peak period and return when the peak period is over... ;)

izadnhana Ismail said...

haiii ko dapat enjoy tu 16weeks eh nad! pffft!!

nad makhuda said...

tea - after your big trip next year, i suppose? :)

hana - oh yes. :) although the boss did say that the workplace would face a bit of difficulties finding a replacement but i still must go and perform my national service. oh, by the way, you are still below the 2.1 average. so, #3 coming along soon? hehe. (if you have a #3, i dont have to work for a #3 because between us, we'll average 2.5)