Friday, August 22, 2008

Weak 12

Week 12 I think I jinx myself sometimes.

Each time I say that I'm getting better (trying to work on the positive thinking, y'see?), it'll get worse. So, this week, I'm a vomitty old woman.

I've been eating mee soto for lunch every day but this week, I just could not look at mee soto anymore. Just the thought of it sent me reeling to the toilet bowl. Eep.

Week 13 The baby looks good. S/he's 7.1cm now, right on track for a 13-weeker baby-in-the-womb. It pleases me to know that the baby is growing well, despite my losing 3kg in just 4 weeks. People who saw me recently noticed that my butts and cheeks are gone. Which is not such a bad piece of news if I were not pregnant. Unfortunately, this is not the time to lose weight. I'm lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight but I'm thankful that I was 45kg before I got pregnant. At least, I had some fats lying around somewhere and not the emaciated little thing I was some years back.

I also had a hormone jab on my right thigh which hurts like hell. The nurse warned that the jab was painful so I grit my teeth and clenched my fist when the jab was administered. After she withdrew the needle, I told her, a bit too cockily, "Not so painful leh." Then. the. pain. kicked. in. I thought I was going to be paralysed. There was a sharp pain in the area where the needle was inserted. And the pain spread rapidly. I hobbled out of the room and waited. Then I hobbled to the counter, clutching my poor right thigh. After that, I hobbled some more to the taxi stand.

Week 14 It's the beginning of Week 14 and I'm slowly crawling out of my era of morning sickness. Yesterday afternoon saw me with a queasy stomach and vomiting out foamy saliva. This morning, I vomited out 3/4 of my sahur. It's the first day of the fasting month today and I am not expecting much out of myself. If I can fast, I'll fast for the entire day. If I can't, I'll just have to break my fast earlier. During my first pregnancy, I managed to fast for the entire month except for one day when I felt exceptionally weak. Even then, the moment I broke my fast with a sip of water, the water came pouring out almost immediately. It was really pointless eating or drinking then.

But, each pregnancy is different and so is this. I feel a lot better this time round than my first. 'Better' is of course a relative word cos I know many people who are having a much easier time than me. But I should not complain lah. I must always remember my mother who had it bad 8.5 times.

Week 15 It's the end of Week 15. I wrote an entry for W15 earlier in the week and I was quite sure I posted it but it just disappeared. This week was another okay week. (Hooray!) I vomited again just now, though. I was at my table at work when suddenly I felt something rising up my throat. I couldn't make it to the toilet in time and thankfully, there was a sink in the office for me to expel the vile foamy saliva that bubbled up my throat. 2 weeks ago, I vomited on a Monday. Last week, it happened on a Sunday. And, as expected, today, Saturday, was the day I vomited. I thought that was all the vomiting that I would do but noooooooo... after I broke my fast, out came the chicken rice my sis-in-law prepared.

Tomorrow is the beginning of Week 16 and I should be very much in the second trimester. So, listen up my body: there will be no more vomiting and lethargy. Got it?


syarni 97 said...

bestnye.. 2nd pregnancy much more easier than first..must keep this in my mind..hehe

Azlifah Afizukil said...

aiyo Nad...hang in there hor...

nad makhuda said...

murni - yup! hopefully everything will be ok!!

az - things are looking up, i hope. i dont mind the weekly vomiting so much AS LONG AS it only happens a maximum of once a week. if it happens regularly, i confirm tutup kedai after this. heh.
btw, havent felt tremors in this part of woodlands ever since the rally. hmmm?

irris irris said...

Wow! Going into yr 2nd trimester already. That's great! Hope your body listens to you & behaves well :P My "morning sickness" came in the form of vomitting whenever I brushed my teeth. Other than that, tak vomit, semua sebat..mee soto or not...

nad makhuda said...

nani - i get that too! i'm totally averse to toothpaste! so i'm brushing my teeth without toothpaste about 17 times a day because i feel so unclean without toothpaste.

mrs shafei z said...

you can try using children's toothpaste maybe? that's what I did during the first few wks when I can't stand the minty taste. I kapor aisyah's toothpaste...hehe.

Liza Ali said...

I think Azlifah n me supposed to be responsible for the tremors. Dunno wat's holding Az but I'm still "mourning" over the rugi-ness of not being able to qualify for the 16 weeks maternity this time!

Ai Li Tay said...

Aye....I am glad to know you are taking it positively...hang in there, PSLE will be over soon, maybe by then, you can take leave?

mrs shafei z said...

you can try using children's toothpaste maybe? that's what I did during the first few wks when I can't stand the minty taste. I kapor aisyah's toothpaste...hehe.

nur azean said...

Hang on my dear, u're half way thru ur pregnancy, baby must have started to kick all over the placeeverything wil be fine, while the liza ' mourning' for her ruginess, I cant help thinking about the baby i lost, wld be 18 weeks now.

tea tea said...

ko type in Aug and just published a few days ago ah? heheh...

that's a whole lot of vomiting going on.. i stopped vomiting ard Week 18 or 19 only. and in spite of the vomitting stories, i miss being pregnant!! maybe should bring the plan forward...hahah!

izadnhana Ismail said...

hmm why do i hv a feeling it's gonna be another girl... hehe!

Ana mn said...

I can't imagine you lighter and thinner than before. You were already thin ;-p Anyway, how's your dad?

nad makhuda said...

norza - but do you feel clean using a non-minty toothpaste? i used a bit of huda's toothpaste and i just cant take it. feels like i'm brushing my teeth using some sweets.

nad makhuda said...

eh, it's also applicable to kid #3 what... so, apa tunggu lagi.. go make those tremors happen. wahahaaaa!!!

nad makhuda said...

yes.. at this point, with only 2.5 weeks away, even if i'm on my deathbed, i gotta ask someone to carry me and my bed to school.

BUT, once the big exam is over, my weak stage would also be over so i wont need to go on leave anymore. sigh. it's all a case of bad timing.

nad makhuda said...

i know how you are feeling. i have such thoughts too but,sometimes, we'll see the hikmah behind it all only much, much later. for now, i realised that if i had my baby, s/he would be due early this month and i wouldnt have been able to handle my father's sudden illness with the demands of a new baby. it'll take time for you. just rest well now before you embark on earth-shattering activities. ;)

nad makhuda said...

yeah lor. because i started typing from week 12 and decided to post everything at the end of 4 weeks. besides, you know i'm a procrastinator. :)

you miss being pregnant? NOOOOOO!!! i wish i could be pregnant without the blues, the vomiting, nausea, constant stomach discomfort, strange leg cramps, weight loss etc.. but, if all these mean that i'm gonna have a heathy baby at the end of the pregnancy journey, let it come.

nad makhuda said...

i hope so!! hahaaa! but if the baby turns out to be a boy, i'll have to delete this part of my reply and leave only these words:

it doesnt matter what the gender is. as long as the baby's healthy, i'm happy.

nad makhuda said...

i used to be thin, except that i had a huge behind that expands out of nowhere. but that huge behind is now as flat as a roti prata (or so i'd like to think). so that's where my 3kg went. it seems like my huge behind is only worth 3kg. i thought it was about 20kg or something.

my dad? alhamdulillah. he's getting better by the day. he's discharged already after 20 long days at the hospital. kalau sempat, do pray that he'll have his good health back. :)

izadnhana Ismail said...

oh yah nad, been wanting to ask abt your dad too. hope he's doing better. :)