Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week 16

Week 16 I should not have had that orange juice for sahur just now. I should have stuck to my glass of Anmum. The orange juice is now dancing in my stomach and threatening to escape.

Week 17 Anmum! Only when I'm writing this did I realise I should have taken Anmum instead of plain water after sahur. Aiyaaahhh.. Somehow I've forgotten about Anmum. Plain water makes me feel queasy and somehow it will instigate the rest of the food in my tummy to escape.

The vomiting still continues. There are vomity days and there are okay days - these are days when I only feel like vomiting but didn't. It doesn't help that I've caught a cold. The coughing is quite bad. And a few times, I vomited all thanks to the incessant coughing.

Check-up this week shows that baby is growing well. Yayy! I'm actually a bit apprehensive before each scan because I've heard enough horror stories to have some unpleasant thoughts stored at the back of my head. So, each time I see the little kiddo jumping about in his/her little sac, I'll be so thankful, The gynae could not determine the gender just yet because the baby refuses to open his/her leg. So, could it be a girl? But, really, really, really.. I am not fussy.. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter. It should not matter.

My blood pressure was very low. 77/56. But the gynae said that low blood pressure is better than high bp. With a low bp, all I need to do is have more rest. I suppose eating more red meat will help too? Yes?

Week 18 What a busy, busy week this week was. The Big Exam is just tomorrow and the kids are oh-so-relaxed. Hari Raya was okay.

Today, the day after Hari Raya, my stomach is not used to eating in the day. I felt like throwing up after having a slice of papaya. I skipped lunch after the papaya episode. I don't wish to throw up at work. The toilet stinks. It induces more vomitting.

I think I felt movements made by the little kid. But, I'm not sure. I'm incredibly insensitive most times so I don't know if those movements I thought I felt were the little kid's or just my stomach doing its regular somersaults.

Week 19 I can't believe that it's already week 19. The vomitting, predictably, is still ongoing, around 2-3 times a week. Stomach discomfort also, as per normal. Still don't like the taste of plain water. But, the good thing is, I'm almost halfway through the pregnancy! Yippeee!!!!

I'm beginning to feel more movements coming from the baby. It's really nice to know that the baby is moving about actively.

As for me, I'm beginning to feel a lot more energetic than before. In the past few days, I have been walking to my parents' place instead of cabbing it (which is what I've been doing since I got pregnant - for that super-short distance, I paid up to $4.60 during peak hours).

Next week, I'll know the gender. Whatever it is, I hope we'll be able to raise the child well and that s/he will be a good Muslim, humble, smart, hardworking, has a high EQ...among other positive qualities. Amin.



Azlifah Afizukil said...


Ai Li Tay said...

Yay. PSLE is almost over. Can go on leave now...

nad makhuda said...

az - yes. and please answer the question which everyone has been wondering about.

aili - yeah lor. took one day ccl yesterday. let's see what my gynae say when i see her on monday.

Ana mn said...

Amin...'*sigh* i feel my shoulders are heavy as I have these expectations too of Sarah. Takut tak menjadi ;-/

tea tea said...

hope all's well yar! amacm gender dah tau? sibuk jer aku ni...

nad makhuda said...

rohana - do you have channel 70? i love watching jon & kate + 8. they have a set of twins and another set of sextuplets. and although the way they raise their children is the same for all 8, you can see how each one has a different personality. the point is, we just try our best. (motto ni macam familiar sangat gitu, eh?) and then, once we have done the best we could do, the rst, tinggal doa banyak2 aje.

yati - heh heh heh...

Ana mn said...

Yes I do. Kol brape eh? Ah ah memang familiar motto tu. Tapi betul per, we just have to try our best.

nad makhuda said...

pukul berapa? i caught it just now, 5.30pm to 6.30pm. the timing changes often. a few weeks ago, it was on weekend nights, 8.30pm.