Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Brother's Wedding

This was the night of the solemnisation. I was half-dead (because I have not discovered the yang diet at that point) but this girl... she was very much alive.

I have about a million things to do now. Exam papers, among other things. But, the more work I have, the more I want to do things that I (lately) have no interest in doing. Like, updating photos. So, here are photos of the salmon-pink brigade on a Sunday not too long ago.


Ai Li Tay said...

I am SERIOUSLY impressed with the colour coordination.

nad makhuda said...

Hahaa! Actually it's not difficult. What normaly happens for weddings is - Months ahead, we'll have a discussion of what colour we want to wear. Then, my mom and a few of us will go to Arab Street to get the material, ie, the cloth which will later be sewn into baju kurung. Then, each of us will get the material and we'll send it to the tailor to get the baju kurung made according to our specifications. Voila - colour coordinated family look!

Eity Norhyezah said...

Nad, you and your sister muka sepasang!!!! Ya ya I know...adik beradik kan....

mrs shafei z said...

which reminds me to get color-coordinated looks for my sister's wedding too next year. anyway the salmon-pink is cute. org tuer kena...budak2 pon kena. hehe.

irris irris said...

I love the pink! Beautiful! :)

And Huda so cute!

irris irris said...

Btw you're so young looking! Oni look slightly older than errr...some hair (I could gather he's young) :P

nad makhuda said...

adik aku kepoh lah. wahahahaaaa... aku yang original muka camni.

nad makhuda said...

atcherly, we really didnt care if it kena orang tua/budak2 or not. we've had 5 weddings so far and we've used too many colours. so, salmon pink was the choice this time round. it's a happy coincidence that it goes well with the young and old!

nad makhuda said...

errrr... thank you? looking young is a curse when you're in teaching.

yes, Some Hair is 12-years old. my sister is 19. so, that makes me, 20? hahahaaa!

Ana mn said...

The pelamin is beautiful. Is this at your place?

nad makhuda said...

surprise. surprise. it *is* at my parents' place.

this was the most beautiful wedding set done by our family. all the previous weddings very very plain.

tea tea said...

ur sis is with #4 ?! and she's like 1 yr older than us only rite.... wow!

tea tea said...

u and ur sis carbon copy!

nad makhuda said...

tea - a'ah. kakak tua aku dah expecting her last child liao. aku masih terkial2 dengan #2. and adik aku tu - haiyyyyaaaaaa... apa nak buat. by the time sampai kat dia, the gene pool dah surut.. jadi kene recycle muka aku. kalau tak, adik beradik aku semua muka takde yang serupa, apa..

Lindah Taib said...

couldn't have said it better. hahaha....

indeed, your sis is a carbon copy of you!

nad makhuda said...

yup. when i first started i had to convince parents that i have gone to school for many, many years and had not just completed my o levels. then, i stayed long enough in the school for parents to know that i am not a little kid fresh out of secondary school. :)

since then, i have aged. so, in the next school, i dont foresee problems related to looking young.