Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 9

24 July 2008 I just can't take plain white rice. It's okay if it's drenched in some kind of gravy. But, just plain white rice? No way.

26 July 2008 I saw the heartbeat today. The heartbeat was quite faint and wasn't as strong as Huda's when I saw hers at Week 8. The baby has grown and is now of the right size for a 9-week-old baby. (No, I don't call them foetus, no matter what.) 3 weeks ago, s/he was 4mm and was a tad bit too small. (I fell into some sort of depression then when I realised the baby was - again - too small but I didn't want to talk about it.) The gynae didn't want to give me the EDD then because it didn't match my last menstrual period. Now, the baby has grown to 25mm. Amazing. Expected delivery date is 1 March 2009. I've lost 2 kg and now weigh in at 45kg. It was great that I didn't try to lose weight after the miscarriage. Otherwise, I wouldn't have much to spare for this round. Because I didn't have any problems this time round, I can see what Liza meant when her friend said 'gynae with the lowest EQ ever'. My previous gynae would spend time to entertain my queries. This one seems to be in a hurry to rush me out now that I am problem-free. But, I don't mind this. I like a problem-free pregnancy and delivery.

28 July 2008 On medical leave again. This is my second Monday off in three weeks. I was vomiting too much, yet in between each session, I'd gasp to The Husband, 'Must. go. school. Must. pass. exam. papers. to. xxx.' The Husband took the day off so that he could send the exam papers while I vegetated on the couch. The doctor asked if I wanted a jab to stop the vomiting. But, I don't think so. The vomiting only stated again last night. And it's not as bad as my first pregnancy - as in, it has not lasted one entire week. So, I'll wait til I'm really desperate for a quick fix.


Liza Ali said...

Oh very semacam de ja vu gitu all these muntah2.

Ahhh betul tak aku ckp pasal si KT Tan?? Hehe...takpelah. It just means that everything's goooood :)

nur azean said...

My gynae too always kelam-kabut. Tunggunya satu jam lebih but he sees me for only 5 mins. Sometimes nak tanya question pun mcm awkward seeing rushing the things. Me too on missing in sch again, as anak sakit, emak dia lagi sakit.Am having cant sleep till 3am syndrome these days. Hope org2 kat sekolah tu fahamkan. Nad hang on, in less than a year everything will be over, take care, kuatkan semangat okies :) Btw the additional perks r the upcoming attractive baby bonus package hehe

tea tea said...

kesiannyer...:S hang in there nad!! chia yoh!!!

Ana mn said...

Man is so sweet! Syabas Man!

Liza Ali said...

Kenapa aku selalu miss out benda2 ni??? 1st was the baby bonus, now dah terberanak baru nak keluarkan ni! Tak adil! Ok, aku tau, aku kena beranak lagi...

nur azean said...

Takpe kau bole branak lagi byk2 utk menikmati benda2 mcm ni kalau maternity leave 6 mths alangkah bahagia hidup kita semua, aku willing to risk to go 4 the 4th caesar hehe

nur azean said...

Takpe kau bole branak lagi byk2 utk menikmati benda2 mcm ni kalau maternity leave 6 mths alangkah bahagia hidup kita semua, aku willing to risk to go 4 the 4th caesar hehe

nad makhuda said...

memang betul apa kau cakap pasal kt tan. tapi, tak kesahlah. it just means that everything's good. once she starts talking to me a bit more, i should start pressing alarm bells. wahahaha!

pasal baby bonus - beranak lagi lerrr.. sekarang kau laki bini dah stable apeeee.. ko dah takyah ulang alik pi kl. apa tunggu lagi? go start work now. or, better still, wait after the august announcement. kau dengan azlifah boleh sama2 start working on it. ;D
(bergegar woodlands nanti eh?)

nad makhuda said...

who's your gynae? yes. they are all busy busy busy.. but never mind lah. if they dont give us much attention, it simply means that our babies are healthy!!

errr... yup.. kalau dah sakit, amik mc suaaaa.. jangan kerje sampai gila.. lepas tu memudaratkan diri sendiri. i learnt this from my first pregnancy. so sekarang, relak relak aje.. (as relak as i can lah, considering that i'm teaching a bunch of pupils taking a major exam in october. sigh. 2 more months.)

and.. i better not miss the boat for the baby bonus package. sekali they say it's only for those who give birth from april 09 onwards. selenge bacin if that happens!

nad makhuda said...

9 weeks down. just 31 more to go!

boohoooohooooo!!! 31 weeks is sooooo far away!!!

nad makhuda said...

he has to. he was the one who forced me to stay home. :)

but, must give him credit where it's due. rajin laki ku tolong isteri dia bila tengah time sesak2 ni.. :D

Liza Ali said...

Aku belajar kat NIE lah, bukan KL, kalau KL, this year baru aku pregnant lagi.

Okset, tunggu announcement, lepas tu nantikan gegaran ye? Wahahaha!