Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I Resolve

As usual, I have my new year resolutions.


And here they are, in no particular order:

1. I will try to make my table at work as neat as possible and ensure that there's always a working space so that I don't have to resort to working at other people's tables (which is what I have been doing for the past 5.5 years).

2. I will try to kill on sight all lizards that have been shitting all over my house and living rent-free in my cornices. (Why on earth do we have cornices in the first place??)

3. I will remember to wash my face with facial soap daily so that pimples the size of a 2-carat diamond will not grow on my forehead.

4. I will think of and prepare and iron clothes to wear for work before I sleep every night.

Okay. So, those are my new year reolutions. Let's see if I succeed. (Normally, I don't.)

By the way, I'm such a failure at shopping. I only got 3 little pairs of socks for Huda on Monday's shopping trip. I think I'll drag the husband to Great World City this weekend where there're lots of baby stuff and baby shops and we'll see how successful I am at getting stuff for Huda.

I also want to shop for myself. I am really a lousy shopper. There was even one time when I had to set a target for myself. I told myself that I couldn't go home until I've racked up $300 worth of purchases. Needless to say, I failed. Tsk, tsk tsk...

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