Saturday, December 24, 2005

Kena Spammed


The only person who knows about my blog so far is my husband.

But, look at the comments left 2 postings ago. It's a spam!!! Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

And I - whose knowledge of IT and electronics is so limited that switching on the TV can sometimes be problematic all thanks to the husband who has hooked up the TV to all sorts of toys and contraptions ranging from 2 (yes, 2!) DVD players to 2 Playstations (yes, 2!), an X-Box (only 1 - would you believe it??), a cable TV set-top box (about the only thing I appreciate) and lots of speakers whose functions I can never figure out - do not know how to get rid of the spam comment.


Post-Script: I just realised that one of the DVD players has left our residence; it's kinda like on permanent loan to another household. Apparently it's because the husband wants to buy another gadget so he needs to free up the space. He was talking about getting an amplifier once when we were at Mustafa Centre. Ummm.. why would anyone need an amplifier? No, husband. That's just a rhetorical question. I really do not need to know the sciences behind an amplifier, much less the reason why anyone would want to have an amplifier.

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