Monday, December 19, 2005

Fly Me to the Moon

Yesterday, I felt so light-headed. Literally. I couldn't keep my balance and had to hold on ot the walls for support. At first, I thought it was because I was spending way too much time playing Runescape on the computer. So, a good night's sleep should cure it, yes?

No. It didn't. Woke up in the morning feeling very much the same. I even vomited out the glass of water that I had the moment I got out of bed. Vomiting is a strange thing, I find. I had half a glass of water. The first spurt of vomit was about half a glass of water. I didn't really measure the amount but it should be about there. Then came the second and third waves. Where did all this water come from? How can I be well-hydrated like this? Chet.

Anyway, coming back to this light-headedness. I went back to bed after seeing the husband off to work. And I remembered what I read in the pregnancy books. I'll be producing 50% more blood by the end of my pregnancy. With all the blood needed, I absolutely must take my vitamin supplements. But, I find those things really vile. The iron tablets are huge and somehow when I used to take them, they always came out in my vomit. Little pinkish stuff. Euw. Still, that's no excuse. I must start taking them again. Euw euw euw!

So, with the prevailing condition, it seems like I have to give up the picnic with Ai Li, Yingchia and gang today. Bummer. It would have been quite fun. Haven't had a picnic for the longest time! I absolutely miss cycling - although I'm not sure if I can cycle what with being pregnant and all. Is it okay for preggers to cycle? Well, I don't look pregnant and there's barely any tummy to speak of.

I met some friends last Saturday and they had no clue I'm pregnant. Elyana thought my due date was a long way off and she was quite surprised to find that I was already 5 months along. Amelia couldn't believe it either when I saw her sometime last week. Ah, well, it will have to show soon. Huda, you better start growing! (Well, the mother has to start eating well first, right?)

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