Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hydro Power

I have a little test I do daily to see if I'm hydrated enough or not.

I'll start touching my lips and feel if they are chapped and dry. If I can actually pull out the scaly bits, that means, I have not had enough to drink. There are days when I could pull out huge sections of dry scaly bits measuring up to 0.8cm in diameter. That's not very good, is it?

But, could it possibly be a problem unrelated to dehydration?

I picked this up from the Net:

"Nutritional deficiencies—such as those of B-complex vitamins and iron—can play a part in scaling of the lips. So make sure you're okay on that front with a multivitamin supplement," says Dr. Novick.

I was already complaining about the possibility that I may be iron-deficient. Could this chapped lips problem be due to an iron deficiency?

Oh well, the solution is to eat my vitamin supplements and drink gallons of water daily.

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