Monday, December 26, 2005

Shopping Time

It's the day after Christmas and it's the time of the year when there are sales everywhere.

I'm not very much into shopping but I have to go today cos I need to get started on stuff for Huda. We've actually bought the cot a long time ago when there was a cot going for only $99 and it came with a mosquito net. Isn't that a good deal, or what? Other than that, we have not bought anything else.

I honestly do not know what to get. When I went to Kiddy Palace a few weeks back with my mother, we saw a whole range of stuff we never knew existed! So, I made a mental list of all the things I saw and would discuss with the husband the usefulness of such things. Of course, with my memory not cooperating with me much, all I can remember from the list is this little net-like thing that will hold the baby in place when she's having a bath. It's good, I think, because her head will always be way above the surface of the water.

I don't think I need that many clothes because I'm gonna get hand-me-downs from my sister. Babies don't need that many pieces of clothings, do they? I'm actually quite afraid of getting started because I won't know how to stop. I'm afraid of getting a mountain of newborn-size baby clothes from Mothercare which Huda will most probably wear only once or never at all if she happens to quickly outgrow the clothes. And, should I go really crazy and do get started on the buying spree, I'm quite sure that I'll go home with enough dresses for Huda to last her for at least the first 3 to 4 years of her life. I'm quite certain this may just happen because each time I go to Kiddy Palace, I'll linger at a rack where they hang a pretty little comfortable-looking-and-feeling elegant white dress which has these tiny little pink rosettes sewn at the hem. Ouh.. It's so pretty.

So, I'm going shopping. With my sister. Who does not really help me much in the self-control department.

We'll see what I end up bringing home.

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