Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ketulusan Hati

A few years ago, I saw Anuar Zain on TV doing a Hari Raya show on Suria.

Immediately, I joined his legions of fans.

I have never really been a fan of any singers/groups etc so this was new territory for me. Errr... okay. There was Clay Aiken. I called myself a Claymaniac and The Husband just shook his head but still indulged me and bought me his CD. That lasted about a year or so.

Stil, Anuar Zain has got to be my longest-lasting interest.

And when I said I melted watching him on TV, this is why:


(Psst.. You can skip the banter between Anuar Zain, Najip & Has and go straight to 3:02.)



mrs shafei z said...

btw, i skipped to 3:02 stret! heheheh.

Ana mn said...

Oh this must be the one at a charity show organised by suria. Ya I watched it. You know what amazed me the most? It was his reply to the question posed by Najip. He is so well-conversed, so smart and humble. He's refined, man!

nad makhuda said...

norza - oh yes!! he is so melt-worthy. hahaaa!

rohana - exactly!! and you know what? i know a few people who've bumped into him when they were holidaying in kl. why not me????!!!!!!! anyway, those people who've met him in person said the same thing too. that he's very obliging to his fans and humble. aduhaiiiii..