Sunday, January 27, 2008


Aili blogging about the priceless gifts she received from Edna reminded me of something similar.

Some 2 years ago, when I was stuck in the labour ward for a week, my then 4-year-old nephew, Azhad, drew a picture of The Husband, me and the unborn Huda and wrote a message below it: "We pray that Cik Ira (that's me) and Huda will be safe."

When The Husband brought the picture to me (strictly no visitors in the labour ward other than the spouse), I asked the nurses for some tape and stuck the picture on the cupboard beside my bed. I constantly looked at the drawing throughout my stay in the hospital.

Fast forward 2 years later, I was again in hospital and my now 6-year-old nephew brought me another picture.

These drawings are things money can never buy and at this stage in life when we can buy almost anything we want, priceless gifts like these are the best. 




Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

hihi the 2nd pic looks like nunu's caterpillar!

Ai Li Tay said...

Priceless indeed!

Ana mn said...

That's so sweet! I can't wait for day when Sarah is able to draw a picture or a card for me.

nad makhuda said...

anne, caterpillar????! chet. that's percy, one of thomas's friends. he's engine number 6. wahahaa! i learn a lot surrounded by these little kiddos. ;)

aili, yes! yes! yes!

rohana - i know!!! i cant wait for the day huda can draw too. well, now she can oredi lah - if i count all the scribbles on the walls. ugh.

tea tea said...

so melting... :)