Monday, January 07, 2008

An Empty Womb

Monday, 31 December 2007

2 lines! 2 lines! Alhamdulillah! The bloatedness and the constant burping over the past 2 weeks had to mean something.


Friday, 4 January 2008

Blood. "This is the end of my pregnancy," I thought.

But, after some 3 hours, I decided to go to KK. Yingchia's call gave me hope. She had the same thing at the beginning of her pregnancy and she's 4 months along now. "We have hope," I told The Husband.

Hospitalised. Doctor couldn't see the sac. Could it be because I was only 6 weeks pregnant? The baby's in there somewhere, I was so sure. But blood tests showed a declining hormone level.

I've had a miscarriage. It's confirmed.


For the first 2 days of so, I was calm. Strangely so. The Husband was terribly affected the night I was hospitalised. I told him that this is Allah's will. He has a reason for this, I'm sure. And we have to be grateful that the miscarriage happened in the 6th week. Not after we've seen our baby's heart beating.

But, by Sunday evening, as the world around me slept, I started to reflect on the events of the past week and I wondered if I could have avoided the miscarriage.

One gynae told me that the next time I'm pregnant, I should see her immediately and she would start me on a course of medication to thin my blood. My previous pregnancy, I had a problem with resistance in the vein that supplies blood to the placenta, probably because my blood was too thick?

After the miscarriage, I started reading a lot of online articles to understand what happened. A few articles mentioned that if the blood passed out has lots of clots, the patient must take aspirins or similar medications which can thin the blood.

Had I seen a gynae immediately, would I have been able to avoid the miscarriage?

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