Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stories from The First Month

I am, of course, supposed to do something else now. Now that I'm back at work, I hardly have time to blog. (I much rather spend whatever little free time I have perfecting my Desktop Towers points. Yes, I'm still addicted to that game. Gaaaah!!)

Just to summarise the events of my life thus far:

1. Going back to work was daunting. Very daunting. For the first three days, every morning was spent sobbing away. On some days, Huda woke up just when I kissed her goodbye and she would cry and so would I. Those days, I boarded the feeder service to the MRT station with red, puffy eyes. Then, when I talked to my colleagues about parting with the little girl, tears welled up in my eyes. Sigh.

2. By Friday of the first week, the stress of going back to work must have got to me. I went to the toilet and saw blood. Just a week earlier, I saw 2 lines on the pregnancy test kit. I had a miscarriage. :( I was a complete wreck for the first week. I actually saw myself going through the five stages of grief. (I hate it when social scientists manage to point out human behaviour with great accuracy.) I'm normally a positive person so the self-blame, anger and more self-blame were not very me. Eventually, I decided that I've just experienced a loss (even if the baby in the womb is only 6 weeks old) and I should mourn my loss, no matter how small it is. So, I spent a few days not trying to suppress the grieving and was fine about 2 weeks later.

3. And last week, I lost my phone at the pasar malam beside Causeway Point. It either fell to its death (not likely cos I would have noticed it) or was stolen from my bag. I was carrying Huda in front in the baby carrier and on my shoulder was a shopping bag which contained a loaf of bread, butter, some vegetables and snacks. So, you can imagine how big the opening of the bag is. After using the phone, I threw it back inside the bag. Then, The Husband who was waiting for me at the MRT station called me repeatedly. I didn't hear it ring but I attributed it to the loud ambient noise. (I have a tendency to use words whose meanings I'm not 100% sure of. I assume 'ambient' means surrounding. :P) In the bus on the way back, I realised my phone was not with me. The Husband called my number and was diverted to the voicemail. Damn the #%*& who took my phone. I hope they'll develop huge warts on their noses which can never be removed.

4. I failed my practical driving test. But, having had so many losses this month, failing a driving test is nothing.

5. On a positive note, it was a euphoric moment when I saw Anuar Zain on TV singing Ketulusan Hati. I'm playing the CD (which my indulgent Husband bought for me last month) over and over again now. *melts*


izadnhana Ismail said...

so sorry for your loss.... :(((((
hope you're feeling better and back to your ol' perky self now.

rini saadon said...

oh dear. i'm speechless at your loss. so so sorry nad. :'( take comfort in Allah and i'm sure you'll feel better...

Eity Norhyezah said...

Oh no... I know how you feel...I lost my hp once... all the contacts....

mrs shafei z said...

my condolences for your loss. take care.

Arlynn Ahmad said...

Take care, Nad. Salam takziah about ur loss.... :( Hope things are better now. By the way, I thot I saw you at Bangkok some time in Dec last year....

Liza Ali said...

Hi Nad...Liza here. Still remember me? So sorry to hear of your loss. Do take care...

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

kesiannya! (((huggsss)))

Ana mn said...

Oh dear Nad, many things have happened to you and I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Take it easy ya. Trust me going back work will get better soon. Take care babe!

Maz Asra said...

oh no....sorry abt what happened...but knowing you, a positive and cheerful one always, you definitely moved on fast....good luck in your work!

nad makhuda said...

hana - yup. i'm definitely back to my perky ol self! thanks. :)

rini - yeah. that's one of the things i told myself during those dark days. that Allah knows best and He has his reasons for all these.

eity - you've definitely experienced worse stuff than me. but we are all survivors. (music cue: beyonce and friends)

arlynnz - things are definitely better. thanks!! and yes, i was in bangkok in december with my husband, daughter and two younger siblings. where, where did you see me??? (i hope it wasnt when i was rushing to a toilet at chatuchak cos i've eaten far too much spicy thai food?! muka cramp habis beb time tu.. wahahahaaa!!)

liza - yes! yes! of course i know you! dah habis belajar ke belum?

anne - thanks. :)

rohana - no worries. i've deifinitely recovered completely from the emotional scars. and yes, going back to work is getting easier these days.

maz - yes, alhamdulillah. i'm okay now. and i'll see you and your big tummy in march?? got a big event coming up then, right? *wink wink*

tea tea said...

oh sorry to know abt ur loss...but yes, Allah knows best... take care nad..

nur azean said...

Take good care of urself, loss is part of our life but thru it we wil become a stronger person. S

nad makhuda said...

tea & azean - thanks. yes, during turbulent times, i always (try to) remember that Allah does not burden a person with more than what he can bear. :))

Azlifah Afizukil said...

WEY!!!! *hugs*

nad makhuda said...

az- what happened to our march hols meeting? i'm free only tuesday morning. petang skola. hari2 lain semua skola.