Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chocolate Monster

"Huh? What did I do?"


irris irris said...

Hey, she looks cute! :)

syarni 97 said...

hehe.. sampai hidung kene choc..

izadnhana Ismail said...

so is that cadbury or godiva... lol!

Ai Li Tay said...

You chocolate monster is becoming quite pretty I must say. Look at that cute hair! and her eye lashes!

Ana mn said...

Must be the donuts

nad makhuda said...

irris - errr.. yes, she looks cute to everyone else who's not involved in the clean-up. ;)

murni - lantai pun kene. some chocolate landed on the floor and she squished them flat with her feet.

hana - none of the above. if she meddles with my godiva and turns them into chocolate paste, i'll get refund from her duit raya.

aili - she takes up after.... me? heh heh.

rohana - not this time. this one is caused by real chocs.