Monday, March 10, 2008

First Quarter Over

1. It's about time for me to update and tell everybody that I'm still alive.

2. I've been busy, busy, busy and it looks set to get worse in the coming months.

3. My plan to meet up with various people this one-week break seems bleak. Each day of the week sees me back at work.

4. Early this evening after work, The Husband and I reached the MRT station almost at the same time. So, we decided to have a quick dinner at Causeway Point before picking up the Little Girl. A meal together without the Little Girl is not a frequent happening. We missed her by the time our meal came to an end. (Note: NOT during the meal)

5. Means Testing: Okay lor. At least I'm still subsidised if I choose C class.

6. My command of my own mother tongue is deteriorating. It was never that great to begin with but it has steadily declined. My aim is to achieve a standard like this. I can dream, can't I?

7. JJ AVAC!! Have you seen this video? I am impressed beyond words.


irris irris said...

Congrats! U survived half a semester! :P

nad makhuda said...

errrr... thanks? i somehow managed to live through it. i have no idea how i did it, though. ;p

Eity Norhyezah said...

Hehehe...Nad... I feel the same way!! Don't know how I survived the first quarter of the year. And...I don't even get to get away for that quick dinner cos my husband is bedridden.... :(

tea tea said...

and JJ is the champion? i din know till i went to the link u put up here! Woohooooooooo! when i first saw the video on tv, i was very very impressed then i saw our school logo, PLUS ULTRA!! Congratz JJ AVAC!

nad makhuda said...

what happened to your husband lar? apasal bedridden?

3 more quarters to go!!!!

nad makhuda said...

plus ultra. hiak hiak. i've always felt that the school motto sounds like some tagline for washing detergent.

still, YES YES YES!!!! i am so impressed! i really cannot imagine the effort they had to put in, doing each piece bit by bit. i'm a bit biased lah. but i think the rest of the videos really cannot compare. jj's work is waaaay up there. ;)

(btw, laki aku cakap, dia nak jumpa laki kau. my place or yours?)

tea tea said...

clampshell adaptor kan? hehehe... laki aku baru belikan. tink dia belum dapat lagi. apa kata your place since u guys were at mine recently.. :)

Ana mn said...

Finally an entry from you. Glad to read that you're still alive ;-) btw, yours so on ah? almost every day of the holiday?

nad makhuda said...

tea - okay set. my place. tapi, laki aku cakap kalao tak kat rumah aku, dia jumpa laki kau kat some location convenient for both of them. tapi aku nak jumpa hazim so do come here and climb up all the way to my tower.

rohana - yes. &^%$ on. (for the uninitiated &^%$ = very) grrrr...