Saturday, March 15, 2008

From February to March

Lele is a very, very smart girl. She can have proper conversations with her parents and she says all her words very clearly. She's also going to conduct courses on how to prevent bullying in school. Hehe..

It's the term break but this has got to be the busiest term break of my life. With only a one-day break, I tried to squeeze in as many activities as possible but I could be a lot less ambitious. I failed to do the one thing which I normally do during the break - a complete clean-up of the humble abode. So our third bedroom remains a store room and toys and dust continue residing harmoniously under the sofa. Lizards will have no trouble identifying the window sills as their poo-poo area. The community of ants which are back in the kitchen can continue their freeloading ways; no rent charged.

And these are pictures from last month to this month. We haven't been taking that many pictures of late because we are not really fans of our Casio camera. I prefer the Canon Ixus that we lost. But, really, those are just excuses. We are just lazy.

And do forgive the highly unimaginative captions. Creativity is not my thing.


Ai Li Tay said...

She's a sweet little thing!

Ai Li Tay said...

Your captions are not very creative but your comments to the pics are totally funny...check out the H & L1

irris irris said...

Yang kat belakang tu orang utan betul kan? Is this a paid shot? Hehe, semangat ramai2 gi zoo. Yang pakai baju M&M tu, kiutnyer!! hehe...

nad makhuda said...

aili - but true hor? i think any bully that crosses her path will repent in double quick time.

irris - the one in orange is your colleague's second son. ;) the kids enjoy the zoo tremendously so the parents also dont mind going.

you'll soon enjoy your zoo trips with adam too! BUT, i strongly encourage you (if you are anything like me) to build up your stamina first. the zoo is heeeee-yuge(!!) and there's a lot of walking involved. start early and plan your route so that you can catch as many of the animal shows and feeding sessions as possible.

and yes, that is a paid shot. we paid the professionals for a shot using their camera but this one was taken with ours. and yes also, those are real orang utans (although we are inclined to believe that they look suspiciously like some of my siblings who were not around. heheheee..)

irris irris said...

Nad, LOL! Ada u say they look like yr siblings? tsk tsk.. hehe!

He's my colleague's 2nd son? gosh, dah lama tak nampak dia..i think he's lookin more and like the first boy, yes, no ? :)

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

haha, at least her toncets are longer than nunu's! so cute!

Ana mn said...

Huda tunggu buah hati ke pat tingkap tu? Atau tunggu ahli jawatan kuasa mesyuarat tingkap ;-)

nad makhuda said...

anne - the secret to long toncets is to tie them up as high as possible. :)

rohana - kau pun ahli jawatankuasa tingkap, kan?