Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Trial Run

This period is supposed to be a trial run for my days as a Stay-At-Home-Mother next year.

Yesterday was Trial Run Day One.

Trial Run Day One wasn't good. By 11 in the morning, after my wrestling matches with my dear little girl (my valiant yet futile attempts to make her take her morning nap), I called The Husband and told him I wanted to swop places with him. He'd take care of her and I'd go to work. (Riiiiigggggghhhhhttt.)

All targets were not met yesterday. Laundry wasn't done. Mirrors weren't wiped. Bedsheet wasn't changed. Heck. Even lunch wasn't eaten.

This morning, things were a bit better. I have lowered my targets. Morning - play with Huda. Read newspaper to her while she drinks milk. House can look like a tornado has run through it.

Those targets were achieved. (Yes. The house does look like Hurricane Katrina came and left.) 

While feeding her, she slept and I thought, her 2-hour morning nap has begun.

But, no, oh no. Cooperative little girl slept for about 7 minutes and she's up and about in her cot right now, laughing and cooing at me to charm me into taking her out of her cot.


Ana mn said...

BRAVO NAdirah!!!! you will have many2 days of this. Dont' be so ambitious la girl. Leave the wiping of the mirrors and changing of bedsheets to Man la. Doing laundry, hanging them, sweeping and mopping the floor, cook lunch and dinner and taking care of baby girl is enough already. If u wanna do everything just becos you're a stay-home mom, you'll be tired in just a few weeks or maybe days, how to tahan for a year?
U noe, if i'm cooking for the day, i will not have my fullest attention for sarah cos busy preparing, cooking and cleaning. so u noe wat sarah will do? she'll take her toys with her to the kitchen, and sit right beside my legs, while i'm busy stirring. heheheheh....guilty2.
so i told wan, mom won't be cooking everyday.;)

izadnhana Ismail said...

ouhhh nad... GOOD LUCK HOR. you'll be wishing to go right back to work in ohh.... 2 wks time? hehee! and yah, when i'm alone with the little tornado, absolutely NOTHING gets done. i used to resort putting him in the high chair facing my bathroom just so i can bathe! lol! the lil perv....