Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Beaver

Questions questions.

Why does Huda prefer eating the sides of her cot to proper food? At this very moment, she's doing the beaver-thing. Instead of taking her morning naps - which she does dutifully when my mother takes care of her - she's standing and gleefully making attempts to chew her way out of her cot.

And, no, she has no interest in teething rings. Save for the ones which do not belong to her.



Ana mn said...

I think it's babies' thing.. biting of the sides of the cot when they r teething. You noe, now that sarah has teeth, she even bit off the traces of varnish off the cot...tsktsk not good , not good.
Yeah, the teething rings, didn't work for sarah either.

nad makhuda said...

she doesn't like any of the teething toys i bought her leh. she only likes her cousin's teething ring.
sarah eats the varnish? hmm.. maybe we should suggest to all these cot companies to fortify the paint with iron and protein. that way, the babies will still benefit from biting the cot.

izadnhana Ismail said...

it's baby's version of Prison Break larr... :D