Saturday, November 18, 2006

Rumah Haslinda & Fazilah

The gathering of the newly-minted Forever 19 (or 17 or 16 or whichever number you prefer). I missed Rash and could have missed Marhaidah had I come even later. (Blame it on the kiddo - a perfect excuse for a mother)


Elizabeth Choo said...

Wow! Is she crawling already?

nad makhuda said...

yup. she's crawling. now her hobby is playing hide-and-seek. whenever we let her loose, gotta look for her in all the corners.

tea tea said...

budak2 jjc beraya salah ramai dah jadi mak budak..heheh..elyana never bring her kids?

kiyut seh huda...the amoy.... :)