Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hello, World!

Ummm.. I shouldn't be here. I really shouldn't be here. I have other stuff to do. But, as always, I got distracted. Inspired by Bird's words - "If I can do it, so can you." - I'm doing it. I've become like 50% of Singapore's teens who have blogs.

So, this is my first step to conquering the world.

*exits stage to the tune of Pinky and The Brain*


Elizabeth Choo said...

Hahaha i'm glad i've been an inspiration to u!!

tea tea said...

woits! welcome! hahaha..aku dah blog sekian lama kau tak inspired..hurhur..but better late than never! yey can see more huda updates!

Ana mn said...

you'll be hooked. go on, snap pics, upload them for the world to see :)

nad makhuda said...

tea & ana - i think i'll write more than i'll upload pictures. laki ku tanak gambarnya ditayangkan di khalayak ramai. dia pemalu. weeeheeeeheeeeeee... like real. but the mother not shy one.

bird - yeah lor. your fault one leh. how now? i'm still not doing my eee-pee-emm-ass leh????

tea tea said...

nad, tayang gambar huda bukan husband mu!! LOL!! well wen huda pte ltd la and not didukung or angkat by ur husband la...keekkekek

jennifer tang said...

hi nadirah
i'm InSpired by YouR chirpiness and cant forget that wide grin of urs! nvr fails to perk me up when i see ya!
pls upload more photos and videos! it's a good place to share our enormous joy in being a mumMy!
jen jen :)

nad makhuda said...

hi jen jen!
sooooo unfortunate that next year, when you're back in xxxx, i'll be away on NPL for a year. and i didn't get to see ya at rohana's place the other day. hope to see you soon! in the meantime, i'll be updating this more frequently - i hope.