Thursday, November 30, 2006


Today is going to be a busy, busy day at my mom's. My younger brother is getting married and it's the solemnisation day today.

I planned to reach my mom's place early today, say around 10am. That wouldn't be a problem because the little princess no longer wants her morning naps.


Wrong. At eight in the morning, I told her that we gotta do things fast today cos we're setting off early. I fed her, bathed her and went about getting things ready. Then she started crying. It then became an inconsolable wail - which could only be soothed by one, or rather, two things. So, I fed her again.

And she slept. And she's been sleeping for the past 45 minutes.



Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Trial Run

This period is supposed to be a trial run for my days as a Stay-At-Home-Mother next year.

Yesterday was Trial Run Day One.

Trial Run Day One wasn't good. By 11 in the morning, after my wrestling matches with my dear little girl (my valiant yet futile attempts to make her take her morning nap), I called The Husband and told him I wanted to swop places with him. He'd take care of her and I'd go to work. (Riiiiigggggghhhhhttt.)

All targets were not met yesterday. Laundry wasn't done. Mirrors weren't wiped. Bedsheet wasn't changed. Heck. Even lunch wasn't eaten.

This morning, things were a bit better. I have lowered my targets. Morning - play with Huda. Read newspaper to her while she drinks milk. House can look like a tornado has run through it.

Those targets were achieved. (Yes. The house does look like Hurricane Katrina came and left.) 

While feeding her, she slept and I thought, her 2-hour morning nap has begun.

But, no, oh no. Cooperative little girl slept for about 7 minutes and she's up and about in her cot right now, laughing and cooing at me to charm me into taking her out of her cot.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Another question.

Why doesn't Huda want to sleep?


My Beaver

Questions questions.

Why does Huda prefer eating the sides of her cot to proper food? At this very moment, she's doing the beaver-thing. Instead of taking her morning naps - which she does dutifully when my mother takes care of her - she's standing and gleefully making attempts to chew her way out of her cot.

And, no, she has no interest in teething rings. Save for the ones which do not belong to her.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Rumah Haslinda & Fazilah

The gathering of the newly-minted Forever 19 (or 17 or 16 or whichever number you prefer). I missed Rash and could have missed Marhaidah had I come even later. (Blame it on the kiddo - a perfect excuse for a mother)


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Raya Morning

This was just days before I lost my camera at Machap, Malaysia. Thank goodness I've uploaded these pictures.


Start:     Jan 1, '07
End:     Dec 31, '07

Huda's Friends

Early Days

Huda spent her first forty-five days at KK Hospital's Neonatal ICU (NICU) and Special Care Nursery (SCN), in the good care of the doctors and nurses there.

Hello, World!

Ummm.. I shouldn't be here. I really shouldn't be here. I have other stuff to do. But, as always, I got distracted. Inspired by Bird's words - "If I can do it, so can you." - I'm doing it. I've become like 50% of Singapore's teens who have blogs.

So, this is my first step to conquering the world.

*exits stage to the tune of Pinky and The Brain*