Sunday, October 02, 2011

Woes of the Parent

1. One of my worst fears is that multiply will suddenly disappear from the surface of the internet with all the rants and raves I've recorded over the past few years. There is a niggling little voice at the back of my mind telling me to save everything somewhere but, of course, that poor voice has been ignored.

2. Farah. I'm sure I have written somewhere here that Farah has a very loud voice. So loud that one taxi driver commented, "Waaah! Your girl voice very loud ah? You let her eat what?"

"A couple of amplifiers, Uncle."

3. Her tantrums are getting worse. A few weeks ago, she saw Dora shoes at Metro. She insisted on them and of course, our answer is no, No, NO. She got upset and just plopped herself down, wailing. We ignored her and stood around waiting for her to come to her senses. Did she? She stopped crying. But she continued sitting there. Even after we've threatened her with abandonment, she remained at her spot. (Mind you, there were shoppers; it was about 8pm.) We grew tired of her so TheHusband picked her up only for her to refuse being picked up, crying for us to just leave her on that spot. She was flailing about, straightening her arms, refusing to be carried. Arrrrggggghhhhh!

4. The above-mentioned tantrums happen at least 4 times a day. 

5. Then there was the epic totally-uncalled-for wailing that happened just minutes before a marriage solemnisation ceremony - when everyone in the room was quiet and waiting for the ceremony to begin. Arrrrggggghhhhh!

6. But I'd like to think positive about things. I'd like to think that God is fair and if things are difficult/embarrassing now, it's only because later on, things will be easier. Amin! 

7. Huda. Huda is no longer taking things quietly when Farah bullies her. She fights back. So, Farah has had her share of being pinched and squeezed whenever she annoys the sister (which is 80% of the time).

8. Then, there's this problem of Huda the worrywart. Whenever we threaten to leave Farah (because she would just stay rooted at a spot during her tantrums), Huda would take it seriously. She worries for Farah so much but she's not capable of explaining her feelings clearly. So it becomes too frustrating for Huda who then takes it out on Farah by pinching her. Sigh. 

9. I think we are not dealing with Farah's tantrums appropriately. Threatening to leave her on her own does not work. Farah doesn't care and Huda gets so worked up. Aiyooh. It's time  for me to seek Dr Google's advice on this matter. 

I'll write again soon. Hopefully, by then, we would have resolved this drama OR (the better option..) Farah would have outgrown her propensity for theatrics. 


tea tea said...

farah will outgrow it, dun worry.. ;) insya Allah! i can imagine the emotional distress i gave my parents too, then. *gulp*

i've a sob story to share too, my fotopages with my wedding n honeymoon photos which i diligently and painstakingly uploaded with captions and in proper order way back in 2005, are gone. suddenly, my username and email for the account didn't exist, when in fact the last time i logged in, which was on 16th Aug 2011, everything was still there! i wrote to them and no reply still. i am still so upset. :S

so yea, wer to back-up all our entries?

nad makhuda said...

ur fotopages went missing? how like that? but for photos u have softcopies at home, right?

where to back up our entries? i think platforms like blogger and wordpress are quite stable, dont u think? well, i hope they are. but, aiyaaaahhh.. very lazy leh. maybe that will be my december holiday project.

and farah... SIGH... i'm still trying to figure her out. but one good thing is, when my parents take her out, she's absolutely fine. not a tantrum at all. never mind lah. let us parents handle the tantrums and let the grandparents enjoy the grandchildren.

by the way, i slept at 4am last night (or rather this morning) watching scent of a woman. heh heh heh.

tea tea said...

u wat? u DID!!! so how??? finished already??? did u cry buckets?? it did to me-tugged at my heartstrings. and so real, the C thingy. SoAW - saranghaeee! and the actor is cute to boot! heheheh

hmm i do hope blogger and wordpress are more stable than the rest, but i'm paranoid like tt. since my fotopages went missing, anything can happen i think. i don't know wer the softcopies are for the honeymoon pics , tts y i'm very sore. but it's no one's fault but mine (for not knowing wer the softcopies are)