Saturday, October 22, 2011

Online Shopping!

Sometimes, my heart will race and my mouth will start to water.

Because I saw an irresistible deal online.

I am weak. I know. But, as a working mom whose daily travels are exclusively home-workplace-mom'shome-home, there's really not much time and space for a shopping trip. 

So, I love online deals. Bring them on! My debit card has made a somewhat permanent indentation beside the laptop. :D

(just went a teeny weeny bit craaayzee at groupon, gmarket and bookdepository while the kids were napping)


tea tea said...

OMO!! These are my favorites too!! Great deals I cannot resist! I still haven't tried the travel deals at groupon cos of the timings but foodie deals, I've been at it!! N still do! Bookdepository is another we can go crazy site rite!! N gmarket too! I've stopped joining sprees cos I'm not patient anymore to follow up with the shipping, collection n all! Direct delivery to home is the way now yea!! Let's continue to b mad together!!! Happiness!!

nad makhuda said...

Yeah lor! I no longer take part in sprees. I love how convenient payment is for gmarket. Bookdepository with its endless titles. Sometimes, I just browse randomly and I find books that i just absolutely MUST have (even if i've read them before). But groupon is my latest craze. I've subscribed to the email alerts but I never read the emails i received. One day, while deleting emails, i accidentally opened it. (i normally delete them without reading) then, i read the descriptions. they were so funny! so i started looking forward to the emails just to get a quick chuckle and before i knew it, i'm hooked to all the food deals. hur hur hur.

nad makhuda said...

oh by the way, my digital kitchen scale wasn't working too well (probably need a change of battery) and i found a deal for another digital kitchen scale for only $10 in gmarket. the temptation is a bit strong now. and while at it, i found a meat thermometer for only $10. this is a product i don't need at all but it's in the nice-to-have category. i really need some help here. ;P

tea tea said...

u got a meat thermometer? eh i wanna check out too! haha! i'm crazy over kitchen gadgets and errm i'm also v keen on getting the happycall pan. u getting?

nad makhuda said...

i haven't bought leh. but i'm very tempted to buy! like, when i'm grilling steak, i can find out exactly how many degrees the meat is so that i get the done-ness sui-sui at the right level.

i checked out the happycall pan. what's the purpose ah? it's the one which has two parts, right?

tea tea said...

i just saw meat thermometer at one of the retails shops at hv and it costs a whopping $30.

happycall has a magnetic closure and a sealer at the edge to contain the aroma while cooking or fying, supposed to use less oil and cook food faster too. i'm tempted to buy mainly cos it's supposed to contain the aroma cos' my laundry has to be dried indoor during wkdays and tt prevents me from cooking or doing simple frying after work. so maybe with HC pan, there's hope for me to cook durg wkdays. konon2 la.. tak tau buat ker tak nanti. in the end, may end up to be a wkend cook still. heh heh!