Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tantrums (again)

1. The tantrums are getting worse. I'm talking about the younger one, of course. It has driven me to... indifference. You want to cry? Go ahead. You want to be left alone? Go ahead. I'll just hurry back home while you choose to wail for the entire of Woodlands. The result is startling, though.

This morning, for the nth time, (oh yes. it was only morning and i've already lost count of the number of times the tantrums have been thrown) the little girl stood rooted to the spot, refused to budge and screamed and cried at the top of her voice. (And we're talking about a very high top here. Not some dainty little voice.) We were just beside our block and I was at my wits' end. Instead of taking a few steps forward and stopping some 3-4 metres ahead of her (which I normally do), I just walked briskly to the lift without turning back. And guess what, she followed me (still screaming, of course). So that's what I've been doing today.

I just feel very, very sorry for my neighbours. It was about 10-ish on a Sunday morning. Some people do enjoy sleeping in on a Sunday (not my kids, of course; they woke up at 6.45am this morning). Sigh. Parenthood gives us a thick hide. 

2. I don't remember the older girl having tantrums this bad but the older girl didn't have an older sibling from whom she could learn about the effectiveness of tantrums. 

3. I am not going to write much more today. My head is aching. I blame Scent of a Woman, that Korean drama. I still cannot understand why the lead actor of Korean dramas cannot be a dashing not-so-teenybopper-kind-of-guy actor. I really prefer my male lead to be more mature. But Scent of a Woman, despite its boyish lead actor, is a good drama! It's predictable, somewhat. But there are enough plot turns and twists to make you stay up til 4am to finish the story. Of course, I'm regretting it now but it's that good.

4. I'm not sure if I'm even coherent now but I think I should sleep. Especially because I'm beginning to imagine that the laptop is going to fall off the table. 


tea tea said...

oh wait, u finished it. yey!! it's good rite!! and yes, he's handsome la!! kimchi ingredients in a K-drama, spicy babe! don't regret la, don't regret.

nad makhuda said...

To answer ur question in the other entr - yeah lor! I cried buckets! I wish i had more patience to watch it over a few days rather than watching it from beginning to end in one night. But i cheated a bit. Some episodes, i just read the episode recaps. Hur hur. I just couldnt wait to find out what happened next! What Other korean drama series would u recommend? Preferably those under 20 episodes.:D

tea tea said...

U MEAN u watched SoAW in 1 night?!?!?!? OMO!! ko sungguh terrer!!! i'd recommend Secret GArden but i think tt one uve watched the first and last episodes and u dun really fancy rite?? but THEN again, if u watched the whole process i.e. ep 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12 to 13 to 14 to 15 to 16 to 17 to 18 to 19 to 20, i strongly think you'll love it too. It's soooo touching! and funny! and the characters grow on u and pretty boy again! Omo!!!

i'm very shallow like tt, must hv pretty and handsome leads according to my definition, b4 i watch the shows. hahah!

nad makhuda said...


i have issues with pretty boys being lead man. i want my leading man to be manly, dashing and have that added gravitas that come with a couple of wrinkles around the eyes. like george clooney.. *swoons*
ok lah. maybe i'm sexist. cos i'm not too sure i want the leading lady to look *that* old. i mean, the equivalent to george clooney is what, hellen mirren?

actually, we equally shallow. hahahaa! you with your pretty boys and me with my manly men. :D