Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hmmm.. Is that supposed to be one word or two?

Anyway, this is an entry that is a reflection of an idle mind. Tsk tsk.

1. I don't understand why my beloved daughter, Huda, die-die absolutely MUST get a pink bag and it die-die absolutely MUST have either Barbie/Princess/Dora on it. She needs a new schoolbag and I've been trying to get her to think outside the pink but I have not been successful at all.

The good thing is, the bag she most likely will get is gonna be cheap (read: pasar malam; copyright lawsuit waiting to happen) but I hate the boxy design and well, the pinkiness of it all.

2. Farah has a new name. She still responds to Farah but now if you ask her:

Anyone: Farah, nama sapa? Farah, what is your name? (I know that this is such a less-than-smart question.)

F: Nunumeh

Anyone: Nunumeh Binte?

F: Tan

So, now she's Nunumeh Tan. And little Miss Nunumeh Tan is awake now so that's all for today!



tea tea said...

u made me laugh out loud!! sey hello to ms nunumeh tan for meeeeeeeeee!!! and can definitelly pass off as MISS TAN! very ah-moi mah ur daughters, farah included!!


nad makhuda said...

heheee... miss tan says, helloooo auntea! but she didnt say it so succintly (that word always reminds me of miss tie). she said abbblebluuuuuu (and some other words which i failed to record down). :D