Sunday, November 14, 2010

14 November

Just normal everyday things..


Girls having breakfast. Farah's having an issue with clothes now. She refuses to put on her t-shirt after bathtime and I am soooooo not going to fight over this. Like her sister, I'm sure that it's a phase and it'll be over soon enough.

About breakfast - what they are having in the picture is crackers with leftover spaghetti sauce spread on them, lots of mushrooms and cheese. (Thanks to H's Nursery 1 teacher for the idea.) Huda loves mushrooms and mushrooms have been making regular appearances in our meals. We even have mushroom pancakes for breakfast. I hope Farah will have a preference for something healthy too, say tomatoes or something that won't taste too strange in pancakes.

And sometimes, they make their own breakfast too.



Worms. That's how they want to be wrapped up after bathtime. It's called the worm wrap.



Free Child Labour. Saturday morning, and suddenly the number of little people in my house trebled. What do you do with extra kids? You make use of them. * insert evil laugher* They seem to enjoy it tremendously, though. And the older ones even appointed themselves as Quality Control Officers.



East Coast Park. I like.

Farah was hesitant about the sand at first but she steeled herslf and overcame her hesitation. Mostly because she is at a copycat stage - she follows whatever Huda does - so if Huda can walk on the sand barefooted, so can she.



Just outside our house, there is a little hill. I once aspired to walk up the hill at least once a week. That is a target but not quite realistic. In reality, we go up the hill about twice a year.

These kids wanted to go up the hill. Unfortunately, it started drizzling when we were halfway up and we had to turn back. Poor kids. Another time, perhaps. (And if the next time happens within these two months, I will hit a record - going up the hill three times this year, instead of our usual two.)


No no. These boys are not part of the Free Child Labour. Yet. They miiiiight be coming to our place early next month and then, they will be co-opted into the group. Heh heh heh.


And here's someone who seems to be enjoying hospital stays too much.

I don't understand why the English are tasked with the responsibility of caring for Farah at the hospital. How about the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh?


And finally, I managed to make kuih lopes! All thanks to Cikgu Zahra's instructions!



tea tea said...

ure soooooooooooooooo domesticated!!!!!!!!!!!!

and yeah free child labour is my mantra too these days, haha! they are at the stage wen they want to help and do everything rite, y not?! at least b4 they hit 'that' stage wer everything becomes a chore for them, we should fully utilise their helpfulness and eagerness at this stage. :P most times at least, at the expense of the mess. but the mess also they must clean up lorrrrrrrr!!

i am going to try the crackers plus mushrooms and cheese...looks and sounds yummy to me too!

aku suka kuih lopesssssssss! tapi tak pernah buat...wah wah wah..nad soooooooooooooo domesticated! bila kita dtg nanti, ko buat ah! dgn bifstik sekali. kekekke.. tak malu sey! :P

nad makhuda said...

domesticated????? still notchet qualify lah. i have zero interest in flower arrangement. i dont even have a decent vase to put flowers in. one hari raya, i spent quite a bit on realistic-looking fake flowers. but after a few weeks, i stuff them in the store room because:
a. they collect dust
b. i like my dining table to be completely free of ornaments. i so cmi one. tsk tsk.

free child labour - huda thinks vacuuming is fun so, i just do the corners and under the furniture. after that, i hand over the vacuum cleaner to her. heheeee.. and she also enjoys plucking the leaves from the stalk, so i let her do that for bayam and kangkong. after i'm done cooking the veges, if you take time to unfurl each leaf, you'll find them not quite up to standard lah. but, nehmind. leaves are leaves. when they are in our stomach, they serve the same purpose whether they are cut nicely or haphazardly plucked by little hands.

nad makhuda said...

by the way, the lopes is very very easy. just follow the video instruction and before you know it, it's done! i was expecting to see bits of beras pulut floating in the pot so i was pleasantly surprised when everythng stayed inside the daun pisang.

tea tea said...

maknanya memang ko terrer!!! sungguh inspiring!

..cuma kecik2 jer aku tolong mak aku buat kuih2 tradisional ni sumer..lepas tuh dah tak pernah buat.. .

tapi suka dan tau makan jer...

nad makhuda said...

at least kau ada pengalaman lah. dulu masa kecik2 aku cuma sibuk main aje. dapur cuma dijenguk bila perut dah berkeroncong. anak2 aku, aku nak biasakan dorang ke dapur. bila dah besar nanti, aku boleh feeling mem-mem and make them cook for me. heh heh heh.

by the way, itu lopes kau nak order for 3 december eh? errrr.. kau jangan mengharap tau? :p

su s said...

I'm very impressed by your kuih lopes! My boys loved to be wrapped after their bath too.

nad makhuda said...

the kuih lopes is manageable. just fold the banana leaf as shown in the video. i brought the latop to the kitchen and kept on replaying the video for the first few kuih lopes. but first, you gotta find beras pulut and abuchang.

about being wrapped up: huda likes it a whole lot more than farah. farah is at a copycat stage and will do hatever hr sister does. on her own, she prefers going around without the towel. :sigh: