Tuesday, November 23, 2010


That's the number of points I got for my driving test. So, Yati, it is definitely very possible to fail with an auto car. Sob sob.

To get 40 points, I had to strike the kerb twice, once during parallel parking and once during vertical parking. I thought it was immediate failure so once I hit the kerb, I had somewhat given up hope. Then I hit the kerb again. Sigh sigh sigh.

I'm going to wallow in misery for half the day.

I've booked a new test date and between now til then, I must find a way to keep my nerves in check. I was shaking like a leaf from the time I entered the waiting area to the time I hit the first kerb. After that,it was a feeling of hopelessness. So very very terrible lor.

What I felt sorriest about is the time I've invested in the lessons and all the times when my father had to clear his schedule so he could babysit Farah while I go for lessons.

I think I've gotten everything off my chest. Now I will marinate in my misery for a while more.


Ai Li Tay said...

Oh Nad. I'm so sorry to hear that. Don't give up ya? If u do, all u have learnt will really be wasted! Maybe to make u feel better, I passed at my 3rd attempt. And the tester actually asked which attempt that was, it was as if he took pity on me since it was already the 3rd time. :p

nad makhuda said...

well, well.. the next time will be my 3rd attempt. initially, i felt like just not trying anymore but i thought about all the time i've spent and it's really wasteful to give up now. so, i'm trying again 10 january. gotta look into relaxation exercises. i was okay until i had to wait at the waiting room. i was the last to be picked up by the tester and by then, i was so very very nervous, my legs were like jelly. tsk tsk.

tea tea said...

nad, so sorry to hear tt but i can totally empathise. was a nerve-wreck too. i brought 1 pole down during parallel parking.

so dun give up ok!!! u can do it!! insya Allah!! Azza azza fighting! (as the korean speaks) U can do it nad!!! Go go go!!

n also it's not really abt the no. of attempts but whether u'll drive eventually after getting tt licence tt u worked v hard for. cos i am such a useless driver. cant even call myself one la. :P

Kai Ling Lim said...

So the next time when a tester asks me how many times I am taking the test, i'll just look forlornly at him/her and lie, " fourth already..." even though it's the first.....

nad makhuda said...

Yati - now no more poles during parking. It's actually much easier but if your hands and feet were shaking, nothing's gonna help lah. :p
But I'm trying again. I know someone who only got his license at the 7th attempt. Not mentioning his name to protect his identity. So this 3rd try is nothing. Errrr.. act only. If I fail again, I'll come here and cry some more.

Kailing - my instructor told me to clip all my expired PDLs together with my present one so that the itester might tAke pity on me. Unfortunately, i've thrown away all the expired PDLs. So maybe your sad face and your fake 4th attempt may work.