Tuesday, November 23, 2010


No. Not a driving license. That one, I no got. Maybe I'll get it on 10 January but if I get too jittery and panicky, I may need 7 tries before getting that license. And yes, I've overcome my misery.

iPod touch is what I want to talk about. It's TheHusband's latest acquisition and with it, I have finally understood what all the fuss about the iPhone is. No wonder it's so popular. It's fast, it's sleek, it's idiot-proof. The little kids could work it out in a jiffy. Amazing. Despite all this, I still won't get an iPhone.

I've been playing Angry Birds on the iPod. It's a terribly addictive game. At first, all I wanna do is to kill all the pigs so that the next level can be unlocked. Now that everything is unlocked, I'm replaying everything to get 3 stars for each game. Apparently, Dec 11 is Angry Birds Day and flash mobs are planned all over the world. But I doubt I'll be there.

Besides the games, I like that there are lots of kids-friendly apps available. The kids have been fighting over it. H is allowed about 15 minutes of it daily. After that, it's hidden. F uses it when H is not around. But she gets stuck at the enter-passcode section and then the iPod gets disabled and she'll still be jabbing at the screen.


tea tea said...

yar it's idiot proof! no need to press this ->this ->thiS-> tthis ->this -> to get to THIS!

just touch and voila!!! get iphone la!!!!

and yes, it has lots of kids-friendly apps...H is very addicted to it also..it's HORRIBLE!!

Ai Li Tay said...

I agree with your friend tea tea! I phone is great, very intuitive n easy to use. U will be amazed at the things it can do and how convenient it is! Copy n paste,screen shot etc etc!

Kai Ling Lim said...

Nad, Angry birds tak Halal...

nad makhuda said...

Yati & aili - actually I was seriously considering the iphone4 but a few factors turned me off:
1. Huda n farah will be fighting over the phone all the time. Like that, my phone will justbe their toy and I canforget about making or receiving calls bcos the battery will be flat by then.
2. I read about iphone4's glass parts shattering when the phone was dropped. My phone must be rugged, not gu niang type. It should be able to stand my bad treatment.
3. Huda (again)
4. Farah (again)

Kailing - LOL! Have you seen the angry birds video that's making its rounds on facebook? It's hilarious! http://www.break.com/index/angry-birds-failed-peace-treaty-1957620
"Say whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Fakhof fakhof." (my polite spelling for a very impolite phrase usedbt the birds in the video.