Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Wah leow eh. After I posted this, I just realised that this entry is very long. I write as a way to get a snapshot of my life (and that of my children) at this point in time. In a few months, things change and I would have forgotten. So, I write. I write for me. (So you shouldn't feel obliged to read. Really.) And I also write because if I don't, I wont know how to speak write in English anymore. Staying at home for so long and not having to speak in proper English, I oredi dunno how to speak English liao. When I try, everything sounds strange. So, I write lor. At least, if cannot speak, can write, good oredi.



1. Farah is such a good eater! She's really unlike *someone we know* who absolutely detests food (other than her mummy's milk) for the first two years of her life. Farah has porridge for lunch and dinner. It is a simple porridge of rice + vegetable + fish. I'm glad I don't have to pore through baby recipe books to figure out what to serve her. It's such a joy to have a child who readily eats what you prepare!

I'm not giving her breakfast yet because she normally does not wake up for milk at night and so I'm terribly engorged in the morning and I want her to finish up the supplies first. But honestly, the other reason is, morning is a rush hour for the household and by the time I'm ready for breakfast with her, it's too close to lunchtime.

2. Farah is getting ready for the crawling stage of her life. She's beginning to lift her body up and she will be on all fours but not covering any distance yet.

3. Unlike in the past when I would read up everything on baby's milestones and when they should achieve what, I am now only vaguely aware of the milestones. I'm only a bit concerned about Farah's weight because she is small-ish. But, she seems healthy (other than the frequent bouts of coughs which doctors have ruled out as just that - coughs) so no cause for concern there. As a mother the second time round, I think I've read up a bit too much during Huda's time and there should be some residual information lying around in me somewhere to carry me through Farah's progress.



4. To be fair, if I talk about Farah, I must talk about Huda also. Even though I've talked about her a lot in the past.  ;p  

The thing about older siblings is, they love their new sibling.

If they have been in the centre of attention for (far) too long, I think, the love they have for their new sibling is like loving a toy: they want the toy; no one else can have the toy. But, if the parents happen to spend too much time with the new toy, they'll do something (not necessarily positive) to divert the attention back at them.

Well, at least that's what I observe about Huda. Heh.

5. Huda is getting extremely creative in getting us (me, mostly) to sleep with her. She is a prime example of what-not-to-do-when-putting-your child-to-sleep. Worry not. We have learnt. And we're not repeating what we did with her with Farah.

For far too long, we have developed a bedtime routine which is unhealthy. To make her sleep, one of us must lie down with her until she falls asleep. By the time we realise that this was no good, more than 3 years have passed. Heh. So, now we are trying to make her fall asleep on her own. But, she keeps on coming up with better excuses.

The most recent one is, 'I'm afraid of helicopters and aeroplanes.' (She's not afraid of ghosts because the only ghosts she knows of is either her uncle or aunty covered in sheets in a dark room - something they do to frighten the kids on Sundays at my mom's.) Anyway, up to 9-ish at night, there are still helicopters flying overhead. Must complain to Mindef liao. Why on earth are there so many helicopters flying over Woodlands? And so, she keeps on coming out of her room to complain about the helicopters. *rolls eyes*

Some of her other interesting stories are - there are lions in the bedroom. To that, her father would just command in an authoritative voice, 'Go away, Lion.' Then the lions were replaced by an assortment of zoo animals - tigers, hippopotamus, elephants.. Her father sent all the animals away. Then, she became a hypochondriac. She complains of aches and pains everywhere. Stomach, foot, arm, head, hair. Yes, hair. How fake an illness can you conjure?

Well, I'm sure she won't run out of ideas anytime soon when it comes to avoiding sleep. I really don't know why she hates sleep so much.

6. Having said all those, I must also add that she's so lovely. She's so helpful when it comes to picking out clothes for Farah. I just have to ask her and she'll start to rummage through the neatly-folded clothes ;p for something for Farah to wear.

She enjoys playing with her friends in school and it's so funny the things she picks up from them. Two weeks ago, she started making shapes with her Lego blocks and then, she'd pick up a sword-like shape and point it at you and she'd go, 'Ben Ten Ali Fork!' I had no idea what she was talking about. I could only guess it had something to do with Ben Ten. When I met my Ben-Ten-loving nephew on Sunday, I asked him whether there's such a command in Ben Ten. He was just as perplexed as I was. Then, I explained to him what Huda did, and enlightenment dawned on him. It's supposed to be, 'Ben Ten, Alien Force!'


Weather and Everything Else

6. Don't you think the weather has been extremely cool of late? So cold that my toes are almost frozen. Soon, my ears will get frostbitten if I don't start wearing earmuffs.

Because I'm so free, I checked out the normal weather pattern in Singapore and August is supposed to be similar to June and July - which means hot hot hot.

But, really, I'm not complaining. I hardly need to switch on the fan these days. Saving electricity there means I can spend more time on the computer without leaving a bigger carbon footprint. (Oh sure.)

7. Talking about computer, the games on facebook are really vile. They are always developing new things to pull you deeper and deeper into facebook. I think I'm going to be addicted to Scrabble for a long, long time. When I first played it, I didn't really enjoy it because I prefer having the tiles in my hands to move around so I can see what words I can form. But the electronic version grows on you, I guess.

8. I was sick yesterday with a terrible migraine. Haven't had one in years and it was the only time in a long time when I actually wanted medicated oil. I blame it on a lack of sleep. The lack of sleep was due to my mind being too active even though the body desperately wants to shut down. I had the same problem when I was on my first round of unpaid leave in 2007. And now I'm facing the same problem again. Sigh. The solution is really not that difficult. Find something which I'm just so lousy at and then study that topic like crazy. Chemistry comes to mind. Then, sign up to take Chemistry at O Level. I'm about to break into crazy laughter. Chemistry? Oh, stop joking! (Wait til I tell my story of cation and anion..)

The point of this point is, because I was terribly sick, I didn't use the computer for the entire day yesterday. My Mafia Wars energy bar was up to almost 400. Not that anyone but Dianah would know what I'm talking about. :p

9. Hari Raya is coming and this time round, I'm actually getting the major cleaning done slowly but surely!! The thing which I'm extremely lazy about is the windows. I hate hate hate cleaning windows. More than I hate ironing.

I plan to bake only one type of cookie - chocolate chip, of course. And in all likeliness, I'll eat everything myself. Way before the first guests come.

10. Talking about eating - I knew that the fasting month will do something to my tummy. Reducing the waistline is not a problem for me. Simply cutting out the rubbish food is enough. And it's not all that difficult for me because I crave for junk food mostly in the day. At night, I hardly get chocolate cravings.

But, the problem is the bottoms and thighs. Big big sigh. No matter how much junk food I cut out, once they have expanded, they don't shrink. Never. They just remain that way. Forever. Despite all the thigh-slimming pants I wear. Maybe liposuction is what I need. Kidding lah. Well, for now, at least.

Okay. Sleepy oredi.

If you've read up to here and you are still awake, congratulations. You are an insomniac. Nothing will make you fall asleep. Not even long, rambling entries about nothing.


irris irris said...

Ok lah...not that long what...ahhaha!

Anyway I'm sure you're so happy & relieved that Farah eats well! It sure is stressful when kids don't want to eat what we cook. How do you cook yr porridge? Sure sedap!

nad makhuda said...

that's because you write reports for a living. heh heh.. (well, among other things, of course.)

the porridge? just boil the rice in lots of water. then add vegetables. then fish. then blend everything lor. the same way i prepared the porridge for the little diva who refused all food in the past. i wont say it's super-delicious lah. but my teenage nieces love my porridge. hahaa! they have a thing for bland baby food la.

anyway, adam doesnt have food issues, does he?

Ai Li Tay said...

Huda seriously is very funny! I like this kind of kids, they are very interesting.

Ana mn said...

I always enjoy reading your entries. I am sure your kids would to when they are old enough to read and understand.
I, on the other hand, do not have the time to blog nowadays. Whatever time at night that I have, I catch up on sleep. I terribly need sleep. The day will come soon as now Adam wakes up once only. But hang on, Sarah also wakes up at night, not to drink milk but to pee. So in all I wake up more than once and there goes my sleep.
I really enjoy kids at Huda's and Sarah's age. They are so much fun as they talk so much and of course only they can think about such hilarious ideas. Hahaahahaa....helicopters...hahahahhah....
I better update my blog before I begin to forget Adam's milestone. I've captured many pics of him but too tired to upload.
Can't wait to meet lil Farah. Insha Allah, Hari Raya.

tea tea said...

never obliged to read ..always looking forward to read! hehehe!

good that farah eats everything, especially the ones you've prepared! hazim is just getting a little bit fussy and already i am a bit frustrated, cant imagine mummies with fussy eaters from day 1...quite a challenge, i must say.

wah huda treats farah like a new toy?! haha! so cuteeeeeeeeeee! the nurturing streak in her is unleashed eh!

hmmm.and now tt uve written abt the sleeping part bit, i think i'm going to have the same prob wen it's time for hazim to sleep in his own room...until now, he still needs me to sleep beside him before he can go to sleep. :S and my house also got aeroplanes fly by..cos' near airport.. :P
tapi huda klakarrrrrrrrrrr lah! think she got ur genes la...hehehe.... can think up of super creative ideas!

my oven has died. if u got extra choc chip cookies, can pass some to me? hahaha!

weight issue - unlike u, i've slimmed back to my then underweight's a nightmare okie! nightmare to become 40kg again!!! i wanna eat and eat and eat when it's raya and thereafter...dunno how to put on back 8kg la...but maybe 8 is too ambitious..i better aim for 4 kg first.. must hit back 44 kg.. :P

nad makhuda said...

interesting. extremely interesting. man and i always talk about her very fondly when she's asleep. when she's awake, *oh goodness!!* we are just so exhausted keeping up with her!

nad makhuda said...

yep! they come up with all sorts of fantastically ridiculous stuff that we can never think of ourselves, eh?

anyway, sarah's not wearing diapers to sleep??? WOW!! you completely toilet-trained her? WOW WOW WOW!! huda's still wearing diapers at night. and her diaper is very heavy in the morning. so i am sooooooo reluctant to start night-time toilet-training. how did you do it?

and about updating - that's where your iphone comes in. time staff meeting tu, pandai2 lah cari some corner to do the necessary. ;)

nad makhuda said...

i totally empathise with you. when huda was a baby, she absolutely refused food. she would press her lips together and violently shake her head from left to right to avoid the spoon. i was bracing myself for feeding time with farah, thinking it would be the same but hooray!!! she's an eater! so, if hazim is fussy about food, you have my sympathies.

weight issue - GAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! you lucky thing you!! you want my fats? go and eat please. let us all be fat together. hahahaaa!! (reminds me of this poster i see: dear God, if i cant be thin, let all my friends be fat)

your oven - why? what happened to it? then, how are you gonna bake all those ultra-nice cookies for me to eat when i go your house?? what is hari raya without your chocolate chip cookies??

sleep - good luck. when the 2 kids meet during raya, trust me, she will tell hazim all the things he needs to say and do to get his mom to sleep with him. when do you plan to send him to his own room? if you are planning for #2, you should do it before you get pregnant. otherwise, he will think the baby has something to do with him being kicked out. (and not because you need him out of the room for things to happen. hahahaaaa! i am soo tak senonoh dalam bulan ramadan ni.. *istighfar*)

irris irris said...

Betul jugak you nasihat tea...hehehe... now I'm stuck with that problem. Adam is still co-sleeping with us. Yesterday night he slept through and when I woke up, I found him snuggling so close to me! Haiz..dunno how later...

And yes, Adam had food issues last time. Tak mau makan. Nak main all day long! Luckily susu masih minom during that time. I go by this : As long as weight is OK, I don't worry so much. Now, he eats pretty well, alhamdulillah, so maybe that was just a phase.

nad makhuda said...

you know wat? huda slept with us til farah was a few months old. hohohoooo... and farah remained in the room with us. :P
and the moment farah started sleeping thru the night, i put both of them in the same room. so, for the first time in 3 years plus, TheHusband and i have regained possession of our room! :)

tea tea said...

so it still works? co-sleep with the #1 and #2 first, then train #1 to sleep on her own..and then #2 to sleep with #1 and the parents finalyl got back what they own? hehe!

but it's still v good advice from u! train #1 to sleep on his own before baby comes, else he'll think ibu and ayah dun want him anymore cos' there's baby #2... poor poor boy... :S

i still have 1 year to train him cos' since i missed the boat, now need to wait for year 2011. hehe! insya Allah!

nad makhuda said...

tea - it seems to work. :) but #1 always always always disturbs #2 whenever she wakes up from sleep. most of the time, i'll find #1 in #2's cot. then, i'll scold #1 lah.

"farah kan tengah tidur. apasal huda kacau farah?!"
(translation for aili - farah is sleeping. why did you disturb her?)

"huda tak kacau farah. huda cuma sayang sayang dia aje."
(i did not disturb farah. i only sayang sayang her.)

and how exactly does she sayang her sister in the morning? by climbing into her cot, talking to her, tickling her and stroking (very roughly) her arms or legs.