Thursday, August 20, 2009

Quick and Short

Huda found a pair of scissors in her aunt's room and decided to give herself a new hairstyle. The damage has not been inspected yet as she's taking her nap now. But, clumps of hair, measuring about 3 inches each, were found at the scene of the crime. Sigh.

Huda, when you grow up and read this, I want you to know that I am not responsible for what seems like a helicopter landing patch on the right side of your head. And if your hair chooses to grow slowly, dear God, please help her find a way to go through Hari Raya looking like her two uncles. 


Eity Norhyezah said...

Hahaha...Nad! Wisyah did the same thing when she was Huda's age! Twice!! Ended up with really short hair...

nad makhuda said...

eity, is this a rite of passage or what??!

i inspected the damage. and i cant find the spot where she cut her hair! when she was sleeping, i thought there was a bald patch on the right side of her head but it could be due to her hair being too oily at that point (because before she decided to chop it off, she applied some olive oil on her hair). everything looks fine. there are parts of her hair on the right side which seems shorter but because her parting is on the left, everything can be covered.

anyway eity, wisyah looks great now with her cute ponytails. i hope she has overcome her hairdresser aspirations. ;p

Eity Norhyezah said...

Hahaha..ya Nad after the 2nd time, she stopped cutting her hair..instead she started cutting pillow cases, we provide her with lots of scrap she won't feel the inclination to cut anything else...

nad makhuda said...

omg eity! rosak laah rumah kau macam tu. edward scissorhands betul anak kau. muka dia kiyut camtu.. aku tak leh bayangkan dia gunting2 hartabenda rumah kau..

huda doesnt have access to the scissors kat rumah aku. cuma kalau kat rumah mak aku, dia punya tangan extra punya rajin mencapai sana sini..

irris irris said...

hahaha.... do I know one of her 2 uncles?

tea tea said...

i did the same thing to my hair when i was 3+...cut my bangs till they became super short sampai mcm takder bangs father was so angry with me, he was not sympathetic at all..dia terus botakkan rambut aku..lepas tuh, makcik aku aniaya aku, suruh aku amik gambar with a big plastic rose on my botak head..i still have tt picture. horrible! and i wear serkup everywer i go after i become botak head..everyone said to my parents,"wah..baik anak ko..kecik2 dah tutup rambut." har bagus.

huda is adventurous la..macam aku. hahaha! but since her parting is at the other side, she can still look glam rite with her kebaya on raya?

Ana mn said...

Nad, that's so creative of her! Ni kes da bosan dgn toys la tu. Ni famous hairstlist in the making kot?

Liza Ali said...

Hahaha! Ok....nasib baik aku belum ada experience mcm ni....yet! I dun want to speak too soon. But then again, they're boys so wont be so bad. Yang dia apply olive oil tu apa petua pulak eh?? ;p

Kai Ling Lim said...

don't worry, I shaved my eyebrow off when I was young. At least now I don't have to draw my brows..:)

nad makhuda said...

ooooh yes! and you know what his hair situation is..

nad makhuda said...

please please please please please... can i please see that picture??? pretty pretty please?????????

please? i want to see? please please please????

(i wont come back to haunt you if i happen to die laughing... heh heh heh.. nanti hari raya aku mintak ampun dan maaf, eh?)

nad makhuda said...

errr.. considering that it didnt turn out all that obvious, i dont think she has what it takes to be a hairstylist. :D

nad makhuda said...

i used to apply baby oil, olive oil and all sorts of oil on her head in the past hoping to make her hair grow faster. of course it didnt work. i've long stopped doing it but somehow she still remembers and whenever a bottle of baby oil or olive oil is within her reach, menggatal lah tangan dia.

your boys, ah, kalau diorang gunting rambut diorang pun, you can always give them a crew cut to save the day. so no worries. how bad can it be? unless they start imitating their father shaving.. they'll be one eyebrow short. imagine that.. ;p

nad makhuda said...

you did that?! goodness! how young were you? what possessed you to do that?! i better put all the shavers in the house far far away from huda's reach. (but what if she starts playing with my epilator instead?)

tea tea said...

it's sooooooo..oh my god memalukan! dgn kepala botak, big rose kat kepala dgn aku si 'innocent' ni senyum pasal makcik aku cakap, dia bilang aku 'lawaaaaaaaa...lawaaaaaaaaa ti..." betul2 kena bully seh! this is like an evergreen story in my family that never goes on and on and on and on...

time tuh aku tunjukkan korang gambar aku dgn nerdy specs jer, u and maureen laughed like madddddd...........tis picture, i dun know wat will come out of it.
but since i dun have esteem problem anymore, i am a comfortable stable adult, i mayyyyyyyy let u see it...hahaha!

nad makhuda said...


wahahaaa! ok. next time i go your house (which will most likely be this raya), i will insist on the photo first thing when i step into your house, ok? :D