Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Farah is 6 Months Young

Farah is 6 months old now. She's laughing and smiling a lot. She's such a sweety-pie. She's still small. You won't go 'Oooooooh, what chubby cheeks!' when you see her but she's still cute. (And I will continue doing all these self-praises so get used to it. Ha!)

She's still on breastmilk. Hooray! She's had at least 6 months of something truly organic. Hopefully there's some magic in the milk which will enhance her immunity which hasn't been all that great.

She had her first taste of cereal last week. Heinz Organic Rice Cereal + breastmilk. The first time, I prepared half a bowl of it and she had all of half a teaspoon worth of the mixture. She pushed the rest out of her mouth with her tongue. I'm going organic with her cereal because she's had enough chemicals in her already. She's had lots of paracetamol, tamiflu (yes, that hallucination-inducing stuff), salbutamol and a variety of nose drops.

Her sleeping pattern is impressive! Being the darling that she is, she falls asleep by 8pm and does not wake up til 7am. This is an angel, I tell you. Lest you think I'm boasting, I'd like to remind you that my beloved firstborn woke up for her night feeds up to 6 times a night. Now, that same person is still waking up at least once a night. Not for milk but, I suppose, just out of (really bad) habit.

Back to Farah. She can soothe herself - because she's a thumbsucker. Well, more like fingers-sucker. She sucks her index and middle fingers at the same time. The older one was never a thumbsucker but I'm beginning to see the beauty in this. Thumbsucking allows her to soothe herself while waiting for the milk-provider to be ready. I was worried that the practice makes her not want milk but such thoughts show that I have underestimated babies. If they are hungry, they will cry for milk.

She's moving about a lot now. She's never at the same spot for a long time. I always put her on a small mattress which is placed on top of a mat in the living room but she always wiggles her way to the floor. If I'm not careful and leave the main door open, I'll most probably find her along the corridor cos she's small enough to wiggle her way through the grille.

I think that is all I have to say about Farah for now. I am sure I'll think of eight more things to say about her moments after I've switched off the computer later.

Just added:  This is a scary picture of Farah. She's trying to impersonate me. Sigh. That's how I look when I try to dance (all in the name of entertaining them). The nerve of that girl...


Ana mn said...

You let her take tamiflu? Doc asked me if I wanted Tamiflu for Adam when he had cough and runny nose, I said no. It's the side effects. So how did Farah do?

I am SOOO JEALOUS that Farah is already sleeping through the night. Sarah was like that too. With Adam, he wakes up every 3 - 4 hours. Sigh, I am deprived of sleep.

Farah has big eyes. It must be the camera flash. Mcm Adam. :)

Ai Li Tay said...

What round eyes she has! Looks like you is it?

nad makhuda said...

rohana - you mean there's a choice? i didnt know that! i went to kk. referred there by the doctor. the kk doc says all children under 5 showing flu symptoms will be treated with tamiflu. so both girls were given tamiflu lor.
i was so reluctant to give but farah was falling ill every few weeks. and i was desperate.

adam's not sleeping thru the night yet? dont worry. he will soon sleep longer at night. i understand the sleep deprivation. huda is STILL waking up at least once a night. rare are the days when she sleeps through the night.

aili - you think? i'm not sure leh. maybe, i'll take out my old photos and start comparing.

elyana . said...

Yap. Recently Iman had a very bad flu and the GP recommended tamiflu. However, he did informed me of the side effects. Also, my sis took tamiflu as well and based on her experience on a 4 yr old..... I told him I prefer the normal medication. He did inform me to go to KK if her condition worsens. But Alhamdulillah, she got better, But it was scary as her fever was very high. With the statistics given by the Dr on H1N1, I was doubting myself actually. But a call to my mum convinced me I made the right choice.

Iman wakes up once every night for milk. I make her wait if she happens to wake up before subuh. hehehe.... and she still sucks her thumb.

I must say, Huda did a very good impersonation of you, :)

nur azean said...

very bliss to c the girls grow in front of ur eyes,i wish i have that luxury too, anyway 2ndborn are always easier to take care of. My first girl was a crybaby n up to now she is but the 2nd one is so independent n so easy to take care of. I wonder how the 3rd one will be like.... I guess very kids have their own strengths n weaknesses. Meantime enjoy the time with ur darlings, mayb i c bck in canberra next year hehe

nad makhuda said...

is it a second child thing - this sucking of thumb?

actually, i do the same too whenever huda cries for milk. i'll tell her that i'm boiling water for her milk and she'll just fall asleep again a few minutes later.

abt tamiflu - i wish i knew this earlier. my regular gp has become the pandemic preparedness clinic (or whatever it's called) and so that's why she prescribes tamiflu to everyone. when i have fever, i normally do not take anything so i felt quite bad stuffing these kids with panadol and tamiflu.

and you got the wrong person lah. huda was squeezing the living daylight out of her sister. the one impersonating me was farah. ;p

nad makhuda said...

oit! kau jangan sumpah aku eh with your last line? :P

i think third one should be easy also la. mak dah experience, apa..

tea tea said...

farah adores u tt's y wanna follow everything tt u do!!! mata bulaaaaaaaat!!!! kiyut!!

so kakak huda very loving towards farah?

elyana . said...

oooops. I meant to say Farah. Got confused. I call my kids wrongly too sometimes and Irfan will always say "Ibu, I'm not Iman ok. I'm not a girl." Something to that effect and he will add another sentence as well. "Ibu, I think u old already right. U can not remember our names....."

nad makhuda said...

i would like to think so too!! hahaa!

nad makhuda said...

tell me about it!! i only have 2 and i mix them up on a regular basis.

irfan tak sayang mulut eh; say that of his mom? hahaa! nanti duit raya kene potong..