Friday, July 24, 2009


1. I passed my FTT!!! Yippppeeee!

(Thank you, everybody for the good luck wishes and prayers!)

2. I decided to take up driving lessons with BBDC. Signed up and paid for it. Wah leow. Must pay about $70 for the theory lessons which I don't need but must still sit through. Otherwise, I will not be able to take the driving test. $^*%#!

But no choice because my former instructor no longer picks up his students from Woodlands. Everyone has to go to Bukit Gombak. If I have to go to Bt Gombak, might as well go BBDC lor.

3. I left Farah behind at my mom's. My younger sis took care of her and the little girl gulped down all 5 oz of milk I left for her. Hooray! No problems with the bottle for her!!

4. I pumped out my milk last night and managed a miserable 1.5 oz. Nehmind, I thought. Just starting to pump after months of direct latching so, the Bs not ready to respond to a machine lor. This morning I managed to pump out another 3.5 oz. Not that great an amount but not so bad lah. The total amount should be enough for one feed.

But, what bothers me is that the morning milk was not thick and creamy. It was watery which means that it's mostly foremilk. How to make my milk creamier? What do I need to eat more of? (Looks at my round tummy and wonders what else could I possibly lack.. *shudders*)

5. I'll be pumping my milk more frequently from now on. Maybe at around 11pm. Cos Farah's last feed is around 8pm and her next feed would be around 4am.

6. I plan to go for driving lessons at least twice a week as long as there are slots in session 3. And as long as my pumping sessions yield enough milk to cover my absence.

Hopefully, I'll be able to sit for the test soon and pass the test soon. Then, I'll volunteer to be my dad's driver - if he has faith in me, that is.

7. 2010 will see 14, 15 and 16!!!! YIPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


su s said...

ku doakan supaya kau cepat dpt lesen memandu k!
You can try to eat more fish and bitter gourd for thick and creamy milk.

Ai Li Tay said...

Congrats gal...persevere!

Azlifah Afizukil said...

drink more Milo...??

tea tea said...

wat's 14, 15, 16?? more numbers to the family??? best nya! and yey!!! congratz u pass!!!

for ur milk, i think eat more fish...and drink milk and eat oats??


irris irris said...

the thought of breastfeeding again gives me mixed feelings - happy pun ada, seram pun ada...

Anyway, congrats upon passing the test! Looks like it'll be a very fruitful NPL for ya !

nad makhuda said...


bitter gourd? really? i dont know that. but i'm not a fan of bitter gourd leh. i'm already consuming fish on a daily basis. more fish needed ke?

nad makhuda said...

yes! persevere, i must!

nad makhuda said...

does it work for you?
i'm already drinking milo twice a day. my fat fat tummy is a testament of all things consumed in pursuit of better milk. :)

nad makhuda said...

wat's 14 15 & 16? i think i should wait until 12 weeks have passed to confirm this right? hahahaaa! i am sooo giving it away now, am i not?

oats! thanks! that's one thing i havent tried. must go back to my quaker oats porridge. what other oat products do you eat?

nad makhuda said...

the early days of breastfeeding werent great days lah. (at let, for me. because i am a lembik girl) all those engorgement plus postpartum blues plus all the pain from the c-section plus all the bengkung and all - EUWWW!!

BUT, it gets better. after 2 months or so.

and yes, i hope it'll be a fruitful NPL for me. my hopes and aspirations for this NPL are many but let's see how much i actually accomplish. (cos the flesh is very weak. very.)

tea tea said...

wat other oat products? i eat quaker oats porridge, put oats in my milo, put oats in my milk..i am a very oats fan lorr..hehe..but it helped with my milk back then..

now u can find oats drink in convenient 2in1, 3in1 packaging...just got for myself recently from giant.. did i mention i am a very oats person..? =)

Ai Li Tay said...

Are you????

nad makhuda said...



not me. aiyoooohhh. cannot cannot. i must wait for yc first. hahahaaa!

nad makhuda said...

i think i'll go for those 3-in-1 thing. the last time i bought a tiny tin of quaker oats, it took me forever to finish it. should have given it to you, eh?

elyana . said...

Aim for Raya. Then you can jalan2 jauh. :)

nad makhuda said...

can't make it la. it'll still be taxi for raya this year cos my next lesson is only in september!