Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Other Stuff...

Now that I've written one entry exclusively about Farah, I shall write one jumbled-up entry about everything else.

1. My Royal Fatness

Please don't try to placate me or roll your eyes when I talk about this. You don't see what my mirror sees. *wails*

My tummy, my bottom and my thighs have been expanding rapidly. Those packs of Kinder Bueno are not helping. I'll soon have an hourglass figure - if you take into account only my tummy and my bottom.

I am trying - well, not very hard - to get rid of the excess weight, or at least, to redistribute the fats. I've tried the concealment method - corsets, tummy-flattening-butt-firming-thigh-constricting knickers from Marks and Spencers which don't come cheap, abdominal binders. They don't really work. Once those things come off, all the flabby parts jump out for joy from all their hiding places.

Then I tried walking very, very fast. I walked Huda to school and back home again. But, I had to go through throngs of Republic Poly students so when RP became an H1N1 cluster, I figured it was not a wise idea to expose Farah to the RP students. So we went back to the tried-and-tested TheGrandfather-drives-Huda-to-school-while-TheMother's-bottom-expands-at-home method.

I was also supposed to take my grandmother for walks in the evening but that did not burn any calories because she needed to stop at every bench available.

2. My SAHM-ship

Now I'm back to being a Stay-At-Home-Mother. Not drawing any salary, I'm trying to curb my expenses on taxi. So, instead of taking the taxi to my mom's place, I walk there. Which would be respectable if my mother's house was very far away. But, it's not. So, there's nothing to shout about there. But, I always delude myself into thinking that I'm saving money each time I walk there and all the extra savings go into my chocolate fund which, you guessed it, is for tummy-expansion purposes. *rolls eyes* (Insert prayer: Oh God, please help me have some self-control in the chocolate department.)

It's not too bad, the life of this SAHM. Because I'm an inept one, Huda still goes to full day childcare. We feel that she has much to learn from going to school. She picks up nonsense too from her peers but that is to be expected. More on this later.

When both of them are home together, both of them will fight for my attention. Yes, both of them. So, when Huda goes to school, I get to play with Farah exclusively. Otherwise, Farah would be deprived of the attention that Huda received when she was Farah's age.

And as Farah takes her morning naps like the good girl that she is, I manage to cook and clean the house, well, on most days lah. So, home-cooked food is a more frequent occurrence now than the last time I went on my unpaid leave.

But, in the cooking department, I'm still very, very much a novice. There's much to learn and I still don't enjoy cooking Malay food (though I like eating it) because Malay food is just so leceh to cook. There are lots of spices needed and pounding to be done. Then, the cooking process is also complicated. "Stir fry over medium heat until the paste is fragrant.." Define fragrant - ck1? Gucci Envy? Sorry Malay cooking connoisseurs; that's why I prefer cooking western and other non-Malay dishes.

3. Hunting for A Home

We found something we both like. BUT, the owner seems to be dragging his feet. I'll keep you posted on this as the situation unfolds. We'll be disappointed if we don't get this because this is the best there is in the area we're looking at.

4. Huda

Huda enjoys school. As always. She learns lotsa good stuff from the school but when you interact with your peers, it's inevitable that you pick up a couple of things from them. For example, she would say, "I don't friend you!" whenever she's frustrated with someone or something. We're, of course, aghast at the ungrammaticality of "I don't friend you." The thing is, she has no idea what it means. She knows that it's said in a frustrating situation. So, when a recalcitrant plastic bowl refused to stay in its place, she threw the bowl onto the floor and shouted, "I don't friend you!"

5. Rambutans

See those red rambutans? I see them so tantalisingly close every time I look out of my window. But even with my 8-foot-long bamboo pole, I can't reach them. Darn.

Gotta stop now. Must feed the little one. Til next time!!



Ai Li Tay said...

Hee hee...thanks for the update. I like reading them.

irris irris said...

Wah, 4 mths of maternity dah habis eh? cepat seh. But Nad, you're not even fat to begin with, jadi takpelah ada spare tyre sikit... keep those bueno-ing sessions up! Food for farah too :P

nad makhuda said...

great to know that i have one avid reader! heheee.. :D

nad makhuda said...

yeah lah. the 4 months are gone too soon. sad, right?

anyway, that's how i end up with all these unnecessary bulges lah. i kept on eating and eating to make sure i have all the good food for farah. but farah is obviously not getting much of it. most of it goes straight to my hips! *huaaarrrggghhh*

su s said...

kau ni kelakar lah nad!

nad makhuda said...

eh, bila kau nak balik ah? hari raya? or post-raya? or tunggu sampai kau nak beranak #3? :p

mrs shafei z said...

alamak, kiter pon di situasi yg samer. heheehehhee.
aisyah da mula tekan2 perot nih, 'aisyah nak ader adek lagi eh?' 8|

nad riz said...

was laughing when i was reading ur blog....heheheh

nad makhuda said...

heheee... great to know that i can provide some entertainment. :D

nad makhuda said...

that's painful!! ouch!

you know, my huda (yang ikut jejak langkah mulut laser mak dia) looked at my exposed tummy while i was feeding farah and asked, 'kenapa perut mak bulat-bulat?'

rubbing salt into a very raw and open would, she then looked at her own tummy and asked, 'kenapa perut huda tak bulat-bulat?'

tea tea said...

as always, very entertaining entry.. hehehe

Ai Li Tay said...


nad makhuda said...

thanks, beb. hope it lightens the burden you are carrying. :)

nad makhuda said...

it's very tragic and painful what huda said..

kenapa perut mak bulat-bulat? = why is your (me, the fat mommy) stomach so round?

kenapa perut huda tak bulat-bulat? = why is my (huda, my skinny daughter) stomach not round?

Ai Li Tay said... say the darnest things....but i guess they just say the truth lor!

Ana mn said...

Sarah picked up the same phrase complete with the pout and the eyes. Mcm nak korek biji mata dia. And Huda not being a friend to the bowl...hahahaha...that's hilarious!

nad makhuda said...

and the truth hurts!


nad makhuda said...

initially, when huda started saying it, the grammarian in me & thehusband corrected her and told her to say 'i don't want to be your friend' and other grammatical forms of the same thing. but after a while, we realise we have lost the battle. so, now, we just want her to stop saying it.

and sarah does it with rolling eyes and pouts! hahaaa! classic ah!

tea tea said...

oh 1 more thing wanna ask u, after u eat kinder bueno, did farah exhibit chocolate-high or sugar-high behaviour?extra active?

last time, during my bfg career, after i ate anything chocolate, whether chocolate chocolate or chocolate milk or chocolate milk shake, hazim will become sugarhigh lorr! super active! it was so obvious! farah, how? huda also how?

nad makhuda said...

hazim was so sensitive to chocolate? oh wow!

actually, i dont really notice a difference in their behaviour after i've eaten chocolatey stuff. but, both of them are active kids.... maybe that's it. i'm perpetually on chocolate (goodness! i sound like i'm on an IV drip and they are pumping chocolate into my veins) so maybe that's why they are so active!!

then again, for a long time i've had a preference for dark chocolate. it's only recently that i started liking kinder bueno and the regular cadbury chocolate. so, this sugar high should affect farah more than huda. i think i'll monitor her behaviour more closely when i next have my choc binge. hopefully, there'll be no difference cos i cant imagine life without my chocolate!