Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's Been Very Long...

.. since I last wrote anything here.

I'm trying to not use facebook to replace the functions that multiply has because I don't like the messiness involved in having everything everywhere. So, facebook is, to describe its function so succinctly, a time-waster. I'm addicted to one inane game after another on facebook. First it was Word Challenge and Scramble. Then it was Pet Society, Bejeweled Blitz and Desktop Towers and now it's Mafia Wars and Scrabble (played against my brother who beats me miserably practically all the time). I'm sure there will be more games for me to get hooked on once I overcome my Mafia Wars addiction.

Let me talk about Farah before she grows up.

1. She is now 5 months old. She smiles and laughs when you talk to her. She has smiled and laughed countless of times but we have not been able to capture her laughter and smiles on camera!

This is the closest we got to getting her to smile.

2. She's rolling over - from her front to her back to the front to her back to her front etc etc etc - a lot now. The strange thing about her rolling over is - the day she turned 4 months, she managed to roll over 5 times. The next day, she rolled over twice. Then we went to KL where she was either in her stroller, in the baby carrier or if we were in the hotel room, she was swaddled. The rolling over stopped after that. But, happily enough, it started again 2 days ago. She seems to be making up for lost time and it seems like she's never in the same position for long.

If she's not rolling over, she'll be moving just about everywhere. Too often, I find her stuck under the armchairs or the sofa.

3. Her weight gain, which was very promising in the beginning, has begun tapering somewhat. It is now not as great as before but I've come to the realisation that my children are in the featherweight category so I should not worry too much. (Oh sure.) For Farah, I just must make sure that she gives me the desired number of pees and poos daily. That's how you see if a baby is well-fed.

4. And the amazing little thing this baby is - she does not wake up at night for her night feeds as often as her sister used to. My lovely little Farah wakes up around 3am and again around 6am. Sometimes, she'll even forgo the 3am feed. Isn't she great? :D (Of course, she's just as great even if she wakes up every 2 hours.

5. Talking about sleeping - between 6 and 8 in the evening, she would want to have milk all the time. And by 8 in the evening, I'll put her down in her cot, switch on the fan (cos she perspires all the time), kiss her goodnight and to slumberland she goes.

6. Farah sleeps on her tummy. She's been doing that for about 2 months already ever since she developed greater control over her neck muscles. The Husband was worried for her initially but she enjoys her tummy time, both sleeping and awake.

7. I think, things are easier this time round not because Farah is an easy baby. I think being a mother the second time around helps. I've learnt from mistakes made the first time (such as playing with the baby when she wakes up at 11pm, 2am, 3am, 3.30am, 4am, 5am or diligently changing her diapers every 3 hours even when she is sleeping).

(I realised that I ended the entry rather abruptly. So I'm adding one more picture to end this Farah-centric entry. Not that it will help with the abrupt ending.)



Ai Li Tay said...

Nad!!! Your 3rd pic, she looks dismayed...and your reaction was to take a picture? You really crack me up.

nad makhuda said...

errr... yup. she was really hoping for the rescue team to arrive. but she got the paparazzi instead.

actually, this is not too bad. there are many times when her head is under the armchair. i'm too kind to take a shot of that. :p

irris irris said...

She's really so cute! And did you get that convertible infant / baby chair thingy from combi?

I'm determined to let my 2nd one (insya-Allah) fall asleep on his/her own too. Lessons learnt the first time round.

nad makhuda said...

yes, nani! 2 things i wanted to avoid with farah were the sleep issues and the 7-11 concept to breastfeeding, ie, huda thinking that the milk supply is available anytime anywhere, even if she's just had her feed 15 minutes earlier.
alhamdulillah, the sleep issue is - i hope - a non-issue with farah who's sleeping on her own after the last feed. so far, i've also managed to space out all her feeding sessions except for the last few feeds before she sleeps. hopefully, things will remian this way otherwise you'll be hearing my cries of despair all the way from woodlands.
and yes, the baby chair is from combi but i've had it from huda's time. it is a great help!

oh wait. one more thing about her sleep - i dont let her sleep in her cot in the daytime. in the daytime, she's on a mattress in the living room or in her playpen which is placed in the living room or in the combi chair-thing which is also in the living room. the purpose of doing so is to make her realise that the cot is for her night-time sleep while everywhere else is for daytime naps.

hope all this will help u with the second one! and we were so indulgent with out firstborns, weren't we.. ;)

mrs shafei z said...

*lol at 3rd pic* :D kesian gitu.

tea tea said...

farah is getting cuter! mata bulat seh kat the 3rd pic..muka farah so tak bersalah even tho' stuck underneath the armchair!! heheh!

nad makhuda said...

norza - yes, kesiyan a bit lah. this morning, her head was stuck under the armchair. her crying was so pitiful so i rescued her instead of taking a photo.

tea - yes, i think she is perfecting the art of making muka-tak-bersalah. good luck to me when it's time to start disciplining her!

Ana mn said...

Oh this is a good tip! Thanks babe!

Btw, Farah is so beautiful! Habis la kau dgn Man kena screen calls their calls cuz both of them are going to grow up to be pretty babes...heheheheheh

nad makhuda said...

good to know that the tip will come in handy for you. has adam started sleeping thru the night? he should be doing that soon, right?

and screening calls - when i was first pregnant with huda and when she found out that she's a girl, khairuman has already preempted all this by saying that huda will not talk to boys til she's 40. ermm.. yeah, right.