Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Raya Ready?

1. Hari Raya is a few days away. Unlike previous years, I am almost ready with my Hari Raya preparations. There are still a few things to be done. Like putting up curtains and cleaning the windows and grilles and window sills.

I cleaned one window + grilles & sills just now and the main culprit who goes around dirtying the area is, of course, the lizard. I sprayed the entire area liberally with lizard repellant. Hopefully, it will keep away the lizards and their excrement for a few weeks, at least.

I also intend to move all of Huda's toys from the living room to her bedroom. I'm not too sure if this is a brilliant move because her toys will then be accessible when she's supposed to sleep. Hmm..

2. Hari Raya cooking - I've always thought of the massive cooking session on Hari Raya eve a bit wasteful if I were to do it. The Husband and I will be out visiting the elders and feasting at their houses on the first day so what's the point of cooking all those food for Hari Raya, right? The fact that my culinary skills is desperately wanting doesn't help either. All this while, I would just help out my mother on the eve of Hari Raya.

But this year, I have this great desire to prepare something. Only one dish, though. Not a banquet, hor. Anyway, we'll see. ;p

3. I still have no bajukurung to wear on the first day of Hari Raya. I dunno when I'm going to Geylang to hunt for bajukurung.

4. Now, I'm waiting for Farah to take her afternoon nap so that I can iron and put up the curtains.

/end of boring stuff

Added on September 18 2009: Getting baju kurung at the last last minute is a bad idea. The ones I like are not available in my size. Never will I do this again.


tea tea said...

u are so domesticated and so rajin! :)

my curtains are from last year, never put down and never washed and i m still using it this raya... shhhhh..dun tell anyone okie? hehe!

nad, aku order menu boleh? aku nak kuah lodeh plus sambal sotong kering..can??

aku antar baju aku untuk alter at geylang..bought the first week of puasa and until now belum collect2..mungkin malam raya baru aku collect.. sheeeeesh! go go, go hunt for the baju kurung! wat's the colour theme this year?

nad makhuda said...

eh, u got the wrong person laaaa.. i am anything but rajin.

i just finished putting up the curtains though. no choice lor. must eksen2 do a few things here and there. takkan nak main scrabble satu hari kan?

anyway, my curtains are also from last year. i never washed. i took them down immediately after raya season last year and now they are hanging on my curtain rails again. hahaa! i didnt wash because (a) they require dry-cleaning and (b) the most important reason, i would have to remove those metal hooks on them and i absolutely hate doing that and i wouldnt know how to put them back on the way the curtain-makers did it.

pasal menu tu - boleh boleh. kau boleh order. cuma aku tak tahu bila aku pandai masak masakan melayu macam sambal. sambal aku masih belum pass. hahaa! i'm thinking of cooking bamiah which doesnt require me to 'saute the spices until fragrant'.

kalau tak pun, kacang pool. wahahahahaaa!! erm. tu kira dah melampau sangat lah. lagi baik tak masak.

colour theme - recycle. laki aku tak buat baju. pakai baju from 2 years ago. jadi, aku dengan the girls must look for something olive gold. which is an extremely difficult colour to find. esp for kids. so we bought huda a creamy-gold baju and i have to look for something that either matches khairuman's or huda's. wanted to look for something for farah but we couldnt find. maybe this thursday i go geylang with my sis to look for something.

tea tea said...

the curtain hooks - yes yes! i hate doing tt too! can soooooooo empathise!

saute the spices until fragrant - tumis hingga garing dan wangi..? bamiah also nice mah! and, i've never cooked kacang pool b4,. nxt time kita gi rumah ko, kalo ko free ko masakkan kacang pool la k.. :) tkasih! aku ni melampau la eh, mintak macam2 pulak!

olive gold-wah sounds quite exotic..takper can trawl geylang and find the closest, mana tau dapat matching jugak!

nad makhuda said...

ok. kacang pool for you when you come my house. it's easy-peasy and tak payah nak tunggu minyak naik ke sampai garing ke apa. (i really fail malay cooking 101 lor)

olive gold - that's how i anyhow call the colour. dunno if that's the right term. but it's not the yellowish gold. more olive-greenish gold.

curtain hooks - dulu when i was under my parents' roof, every hari raya, we have to out those hooks on the curtains. bila dah ada rumah sendiri, i was bent on getting curtains with velcro straps. but, those things are not that nice lor. so, back to hooks, it is. :(

su s said...

nad, aku dpt rasakan bahang semangat kau nak beraya tahun nie. Bila kau makan masakan yg sedap2 tu, ingatkanlah kawan mu di rantauan ni. Aku baru dpt lap tingkap dan gosok langsir. Tu pun belum habis. InsyaAllah....daging lembu tu aku dah perap dlm esbok nak buat sate goreng di lebaran nanti. Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.

nad makhuda said...

su, kau pun masak sedap2 dan makan sedap2 apaaaa... takpe, aku tetap ingat dengan kau bila aku makan kuih tat dan kawan-kawannya. nanti, kau share lah camne kau beraya di rantauan, eh? teringin aku baca kisah-kisah kau dan anak2 kau.
and, selamat hari raya to you too!! maaf zahir dan batin. :)

irris irris said...

You know nad, every raya (twice already) we'll move the toys from living room into the spare room. It helps coz it minimises the mess should we have guests. Tapi lepas raya dah abis aje, the spare will return to being a storage place. Grrr...

So how did the dish you cook turn out to be? Yummy?

nad makhuda said...


yummy?? wahahahahaaaaa!! more like edible lor. edible and halal. but i wont use yummy to describe it. :p

and about moving the toys - we moved the toys to her room oredi. so far, so good. she did not get out of bed to play with her toys. and our spare room has long become a store room. :(