Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Raya 2009 v.1

You can generally figure out who belongs to which family based on the colours of their outfits. But, occasionally, that may not be the case as Adib has shown. And the little boy in maroon in front of me is not my son, hor?

Pictures from Day 1 and Day 2. We took loads but I don't have the patience to upload all the pictures.
This is only the beginning of the Raya season. It will be a loooooooooooooong month filled with visiting and returning visits. It's great meeting up with friends and family.
(But I do not look forward to the ironing of bajukurungs and tudungs and the special delicate washes they require..)


tea tea said...

very nice family pic! cantikkkkkkkkkkkk! boleh enlarge jadi family portrait!!!

tea tea said...

so this is the olive gold? ur baju matching also!!!

lawa curtains rumah ko!!

tea tea said...

oh i thot he is! kalau he is, ure such a young mummyyyyyyyyy! hehe!

selamat hari raya!

Ana mn said...


Ana mn said...

I like the hair band on Farah's head. So cute :)

Ana mn said...

Nad, kau make up eh? Nampak berseri sikit la

Ana mn said...

Ni rumah kau nad? The mirrors make ur house look big. I like the curtains too!

Ai Li Tay said...

Wa Nad! This is your house! I almost couldn't recognise it!

nad makhuda said...

yes. we wore that 2 years ago, i think but my baju, all the embroidery dah tercabut. had to find a new one but i failed miserably in the quest. that's why our first day baju jadi kaler maroon.

curtains tu - hahaaa! you'll see the same curtains for as long as i live here.

nad makhuda said...

when you last came, got no mirrors, eh? but leceh to wipe lor. it would have been easier if it was one big piece but it had some mouldy problems so must replace with this many many small pieces.

nad makhuda said...

because there are more people in it? :D
different angle lah. we often sit around the dining table mah..

nad makhuda said...

heh. this is kat bawah blok mak aku, kat sebelah rubbish chute. thankfully, smells cannot be captured in photos!

nad makhuda said...

oleh kerana aku tengah bercuti dan tak payah lap mekap untuk amik wuduk, kakak aku pun mekapkan aku. i have no idea what she applied on me. but whatever it is, i dunno how to apply it myself. so, for the rest of the days of hari raya, my face wont be the same as this. hohohooo..

the hairband - farah needs that. otherwise, she looks like a boy in a girl's bajukurung. absolutely unbecoming. today, she was dressed in her rompers and jeans (so malas to get her to wear bajukurung oredi) and everyone thought she was a boy.