Thursday, June 26, 2008

An Hour, A Minute... A Second?

26 June 2008

My period which otherwise comes like clockwork is late. All my pre-menstrual symptoms did not appear this week. That will include the pimples which regularly pop in to see me one week before my period begins.

I'm feeling tired all the time now. I feel nauseous when I'm hungry. That is so strange. With Huda, I was nauseous all the time.

Am I?

I'm reluctant to take a pregnancy test. I think the test kits are overpriced and if it's negative, it's $15 all gone. And also, so that, if I were to have my period 2 weeks from now, I would not know that it was a miscarriage.


30 June 2008

My period is still not here. Not that I want it to come. I get pains similar to  gastric pains which make me wanna vomit each time I'm hungry. And I'm hungry every hour or so. Yet, in one sitting, I can't eat much. This is frustrating.

I feel tired. I could only stand up for 1 period in class just now. I spent the rest of the time sitting down and conducting lessons.

I still have not taken a pregnancy test. I know that this could very well be a severe case of stress. So stressed that pregnancy-like symptoms appear? Oh, no thank you. I don't need this kind of stress. But I do feel so stressed by work lately. I will NOT go there. I will NOT taint baby talk with talks of work.

Huda lifted up my t-shirt just now and patted my tummy and said, "Baby. Baby." After that, she treated my tummy like a kompang. Ouch.

I'm extremely hungry.


5 July 2008

So, it's true.  2 test kits showing 2 positive lines suggest that #2 is on the way.

I'm still hungry but eating everything results in me feeling queasy. The vomiting, however, is not as severe as that of Huda's time. But, it is still early days yet. I remember when I was about 6+ weeks with Huda, I told The Husband that all the vomiting is just in the mind because I managed to suppress them. The following week saw me bent double over the toilet bowl, retching my guts out. That's cockiness for you.

Based on online pregnancy calculators, this baby is due either on the 1st or 2nd of March.

And I've also made an appointment with a gynae. It's Tuesday, 3.20pm. The following day, I have a Big Thing at school so even if I'm issued with a one-month MC, I must go to school.

Now, I'm going to go through my mother's kitchen to see what little I can eat. I'm at my mom's place because The Husband is out and about running errands on this lovely Saturday. Which is normally what we'd do together with Huda in tow. But, I suppose, no more Saturday outings for the next few weeks. (I'm gonna channel all the positive energy I have to think that this morning sickness will end by week 10 or week 12, tops.)

Okay. Til another time.


6 July 2008

These gastric juices are too much. When I eat a tiny morsel of something, they wil go on overdrive and I will feel the sharp pains just mere seconds after I swallow the food. However, last night, The Husband grilled some steak and I had a tiny bit of it. I felt okay for minutes after and I thought, perhaps, meat is the answer. Maybe the gastric juices take a much longer time to break down a piece of meat. But, soon, came the sharp pain. :( So, I figured, I need to eat something else - something that will keep the gastric juices occupied for a lot longer - like a piece of Lego or something.


14 July 2008

On medical leave today. Uweek.

Dear Good Government,

In your new-improved package to make people procreate even more, can you please include a one-month leave for women in their first trimester? I feel so lembik these days.



There. I am indeed pregnant. Alhamdulillah. Please keep me in your prayers. Pray that I'll have a smooth-sailing pregnancy and a healthy baby. Amin.


irris irris said...

Alhamdulillah! So happy for ya! I hope you regain more strength as the days go by. Buat orang suspense ajer!

tea tea said...

Insya Allah... u will have a smooth sailing pregnancy and a healthy baby. Amin! :)

So which gynae ure seeing now? Adelina wong is at tmc on level 4 if i m not mistaken. i went by to look at her clinic when i was still pregnant and was there. it's her own clinic ley..never share with anyone else...

House of Scarfs & Brooches *** said...

Insyallah sis & congrats ya...may you be blessed with healthy baby. Take good care of yrself, k.

Eity Norhyezah said...

Alhamdulillah!!! WAHOO!!! Congrats Nad... Take it easy...My 1st and 3rd pun gitu...tired all the time and can't eat... remember to tell ur gynae...they can give you something that would help...

Maz Asra said...

Tadaa....congrats! Take good care ok, I guess u have to tell Huda nw that u can't carry her as much cos' got baby inside your tum tum.

Arlynn Ahmad said...

Alhamdulillah! I doakan that ur pregnancy goes well, Insya Allah. Take care your urself n don't strain urself whilst teaching. Remember hor, ur health is more important. :D

Raggedyanne Faudzi said...

alhamdulillah! More rezeki for the family! take care yeah

izadnhana Ismail said...

alhamdulillah and CONGRATS!! yey!! so how old will lil huda be when the baby comes?
and the million dollar qn: will you be going on another year long sahm leave?? :D

nad makhuda said...

saw your original message. MUST resist. hahaa!

yes, i'm hoping for more strength real soon!!!

nad makhuda said...

i'm seeing dr kt tan at kk. as much as i love adelina wong, i dont dare move out of kk just in case there are complications.

nad makhuda said...

thanks. amin. hoping for a healthy baby with no complications whatsoever!

nad makhuda said...

i've been given anti-vomiting pills but i try not to take them. the good thing is, the vomiting not as teruk as huda's time lah. but i hope i'm not speaking too soon.

nad makhuda said...

yup yup! huda has been trained to walk when she's with me. i've been training her since last month ever since i felt incredibly tired for no apparent reason. now she knows. so, she only asks her father for dokong. and with me, it is "pimpin, okay? pimpin."

nad makhuda said...

i'm trying really hard not to. i have 2 classes. one class is filled with compassionate kids who guessed that i was pregnant when i kept running out of the class, covering my mouth.

the other class? sigh. that's the challenging one.

nad makhuda said...

thank you thank you. more rezeki, alhamdulillah!

nad makhuda said...

i'm afraid not.

because it will be a TWO-YEAR long leave. woohoooohoooooooooooo!!!

huda will be almost 3 when the baby comes. hopefully, she'll be a kind and gentle big sista. but there's really no way to tell these things, sometimes.

tea tea said...

ure going on 2-year long leave?! wah!!! so tt's the exit strategy aye? ;)

lupa nak comment pasal ni : insya seems baby 2 will also be a march baby aye? mcm kakak huda jugak.... :)

nad makhuda said...

yes. benar itu. heheheeee.. that's my strategy. actually one year is enough to say ciao forever. but i want to breastfeed for 2 full years, if possible. so, a 2-year leave is just nice. after that, i'm not going back into teaching full-time. i'll look into one of the family-friendly schemes offered and pick one of the packages available.

in the meantime, during the 2 years, no more sprees, baybeh! kene ikat perut, or rather, tangan.

Eity Norhyezah said...

Ish....seronoknya!!!! How I wish I could do that!!!!

Azlifah Afizukil said...

Dis is soooo xciting! Wif Chit oso me great xcuse to buy cute baby stuff for u guys. And dun ask wen's my turn...i'm waiting for wad ah kong lee wud say after national day. If it's 6 mths ML and baby bonus goes rocket high...i'll jump into bed and get it on!!!

nur azean said...

Congrats Nad, seems like many of us got sprinkled by baby dust or issit because of the mth long june holidays, got more time to do many things hehe. Take care, insyaallah everything will be fine, looks like my babe n yours will be ard the same age again :) I'm waiting for our Ah kong too for goodies they r planning 4 us mummies. Azlifah come joing the league, the more the merrier.

nad makhuda said...

for me, i can still afford it sebab anak aku masih kecik lagi. kalau dah start sekolah tu, lain sikit lah. asik nak pakai duit aje.

nad makhuda said...

azlifah!!!! wahahahahaaaaaaaa!!! aku tak leh angkat seh.

come august, i can just imagine you going at it for hours immediately after the announcement. AAAARRGGHH!!! get this image out of my mind please!!!!!!!!

nad makhuda said...

errrr.. june holidays punya pasal, ah?

see, gahmen? holidays ARE good. more holidays = more babies.

Ai Li Tay said...

Congrats Nad! Remember how YC said about babies can tell if there is a baby? So Huda knew it too! Hope you feel well enough to work...

Ana mn said...

Hey Babe, tahniah! I am so happy for you! Rest well ya and take very good care of yourself. And I am so jealous that you will be off work for 2 years ;-) Please update on your pregnancy. Blog often ya.

Ana mn said...

Hey Babe, tahniah! I am so happy for you! Rest well ya and take very good care of yourself. And I am so jealous that you will be off work for 2 years ;-) Please update on your pregnancy. Blog often ya.

Kai Ling Lim said...

old wives' tale, don't know how true. Don't hold me responsible. Apparently, green apples help to relieve gastric pain....

izadnhana Ismail said...

i hv a feeling huda will be lah. a good and loving sister.
and wahlaoooooo 2 yrs!!

nad makhuda said...

not well enough to work but what to do? still drag my body to work every morning lor. and yup, huda is the pregnancy test kit for me. hahaa!

nad makhuda said...

thanks. come join me in my pursuit of sahm-ship! hehehe.. anyway, if i were to blog often, it will mostly be about vomiting, fatigue and more vomiting. sigh.

nad makhuda said...

no harm trying. will try it if i experience the gastric pains again but now it has been replaced with round-the-clock vomiting. euw.

nad makhuda said...

i can only hope so. 2 years - nak breastfeed punya pasal. going back to work in a new environment will be much too stressful and will definitely affect the milk supply.

Lindah Taib said...

hello! congratulations, dear. take care n take it easy at work.

nad makhuda said...

thanks lindah. if only taking it easy at work is that easy. sigh...

Liza Ali said...

Was about to ask which gynae you've decided to see. But I see you have made your choice to be a VIP patient at KKH...hehe.

The other day I was discussing with another friend who has her as a gynae too. She also said...Dr with the lowest EQ ever. So be mentally prepared. But perhaps we're exaggerating. She did find time to sit and chat with me a while after stitching me up the other day, so it won't be that bad. Just know that you'll be in very good hands :)

2 years???? Best kan tu....! I'll be pumping at work :( Nasib ada Lactation Room :)

Congratz once again. (Hmmm...apasal I didn't get a notification for this post eh? Mcm lambat setapak pulak!)

nad makhuda said...


i had one appt with her and am pretty satisfied with her. aku ada a thick file with kk so my first appointment with her was good lah. she was caring and concerned but at the same time, she tried to allay my concerns. another appt with her this saturday. hopefully that goes well too.

Liza Ali said...

Hey, good to know that. Aku rasa so far I had no complications so every appt was like, "Any problems? No? Good. Ok, See you next month." Aku kan attention seeker, so gitu tak best mahh...hehe.

nad makhuda said...

wahahahaaaa!!! kesiyan kau. in that case, aku recommend dr adelina wong. tapi sekarang dia kat tmc. she's so gentle and has excellent rapport with her patients. then again, i spent a loong time with her because aku ni leceh sket.

kalau kt tan nak buat "Any problems? No? Good. Ok, See you next month" kat aku, aku rasa aku bahagia sekali. :D