Wednesday, June 04, 2008

World Without Strangers

I love the holidays.

With quite a few of my friends in the same profession, we often try to squeeze meet-ups during this season. And those who are doing something else will try to take half the day off to meet up.

Today I met up with my singleton friends. And looking at Huda's antics, one of them has sworn off parenthood. The jury's still out for the other two.

What did Huda do?

1. Drink water. Hold it in her mouth. Spray it back into the cup. And continued drinking from the same cup.

2. Dipped tissue paper in the cup. Used dripping wet tissue to wipe glass panels. And continued drinking from the same cup.

3. Used cup as a receptacle for chicken bones. And continued drinking from the same cup.

4. Climbed the partition separating us from the next table. Spied at the food on the next table and wanted whatever they were having.

And et cetera and et cetera...

One of them tried staring Huda down but, strangely, Huda would only be quiet for three seconds. Maybe Huda sees a gentleness about her. Hahaaa! The other one tried his frightening 'teacher glare' on Huda and it worked on her for about five seconds.

What does all this mean? It means Huda is not all that fearful of strangers anymore. Oh no. I'm sure it's good news but, you see, it means I have to work so much harder to contain Huda when we go out.


mrs shafei z said...

lol. that sounds scary. fortunately im married and has a kid already. eheeheeh.

Liza Ali said...

Hahahaha! Kelakar lah anak kau...

Ana mn said...

Wah high confident btol anak kau. Nanti kita tgk mcm mana dia react to strangers when she starts school. Jgn kadi mcm anak aku sudah la. Berbulan bulan tak berhenti menangis. Wah pat rumah and when she's with us, mcm terror gitu. Bila pi skolah, nangis. Sekarang baru lah ok.

nad makhuda said...

norza - yup. it's too late for you to bail out. you have one and one more along the way! :)

liza - errrr... yes.. tapi bukan main penat lagi nak jaga dia when we are out...

nad makhuda said...

kadi tu, aku boleh conferm yang anak aku takleh jadi.

tapi, kalau kedi, confirm boleh. anak aku ni jaguh kampung aje. kat rumah macam hero. kalau pergi sekolah, dah kejong.

Sri Bayu J. said...

*pounces on huda & runs away with her*

nad makhuda said...

omg! sri, it's you!!!! hugs and smooches and *grabs huda back from you*

Sri Bayu J. said...

*cenyum mentel* Stumbled across your site again decided this time I shld stop to say hi.



nad makhuda said...

alaaaahh cayang cayang... hi to you too... ;)