Sunday, June 01, 2008


I knew that my practical driving test was sometime in end April or end May. But work was complete madness in those few weeks with so many deadlines to meet and I had a nagging suspicion that I was going to miss my test.

Finally, today I steeled myself and logged on to bbdc. Here's what I found:

Test Date Session Warm-up Time Test Time Car Model Test Type Att Result Inst. No.
26/1/2008 Sat (Road) 1 08:25 08:25 P P3 - F 8888
6/5/2008 Tue (Road) 9 16:30 16:30 P P3 - A 8888

Oooops. It's over!

So, I will be good this time round and sign up for practical driving lessons with the school because I think I should be able to get an earlier date if I sign up with the school. I think I shall do all these on Tuesday.

Does anyone know how it works if I learn from the driving school? Do I need to go through everything from scratch and take a certain number of lessons before I can sit for the test? If it's going to be so, I may just go back to my old instructor but I have to be a lot more disciplined in going for lessons.


Arlynn Ahmad said...

Aiyoh! You must have been really bogged down with work, Nad! But nvm, I always believe that things happen for a reason.

I took driving lessons under the school at bbdc during my NIE days. If I remember correctly, you'd have to take approximately 20-25 lessons in all and halfway thru, they'd encourage you to sign up for the practical test. But not surelah whether you'd have to chalk up that same no of lessons if you've had lessons prior to this. Hmmm... but if you ask me, I'd just continue with the old instructor cos it's a waste as you are already halfway thru ur lessons. :)

Ai Li Tay said...

If the system is the same as about 7-8 years ago....then it works like this. They have a systematic way of teaching and they make sure you master whatever they are teaching you at that stage b4 they pass you to the next, so they might just make u repeat the same stage till they are if you are a whizz kid, you can complete less number of lessons b4 u are 'passed' to take the test, compared to a slow learner like me who took about more than 25 (shall not reveal how many) before they allowed me to take test.
So i think it might be wiser for you to stick to your old instructor, but it is definitely true that at school, u get your dates faster!

But hey, it has been so long, things might have changed, think it is best u call to check things out

nad makhuda said...

thanks arlynnz and aili.

hmmm... i only want to take with bbdc cos i think i'll get an earlier date. but, if that's not the case, then, hmmmm... and if i have to take 20+ lessons all over again, i'll have to seriously think about it. besides, i think i know the basics of driving and my circuit was okay. but, i made a lot of small mistakes which added up to quite a lot.

by the way, aili, i went for an embarrassing number of lessons with my instructor. i took about 7 lessons to get that half-clutch right. :P

Liza Ali said...

I actually counted down months, days, hours and minutes for my driving test 2 yrs back. Kanchiong spider...hahaha! Signing up with school is definitely more systematic. Like what the rest said, if you're confident, then you won't need so many lessons if u sign up with sch now. If not, better stick with private :)

Ana mn said...

I learned driving at SSDC. I ever took revision lessons with a private instructor and I didn't like it. Not systematic. There wasn't any parking lessons nor did we go into the circuit. We just drove on the main roads.
School's much better. If u're really serious abt getting that driving license, sign up with a school. I'm sure they wuld ley u advance fast as u've done driving b4.
I am sitting back and waiting to see, between u and julia, who gets the license first ..hehehehhehe

nad makhuda said...

liza & rohana - i think i've made up my mind to continue with my apek instructor lah. he has taught me everything i needed to know but it was my mistakes that caused me to fail - like not checking blindspots at least 5 times. heh. but i will need to insist on practising more at the bbdc circuit and not the private circuit.

rohana - julia and i are very accommodating lah. i dont mind taking a back seat and letting her drive me around. heh. but seriously, my target is to pass before hari raya. so, i have 4 more months.